Do You Know Why Your Cat Rubs Its Head Against You?

Do you know why your cat rubs its head against you?

Cats are among the most widespread animals in the world and this popularity is mainly due to the fact that humans greatly appreciate the company of these mysterious, restless and playful felines, although their behavior may sometimes seem strange. In this article, you will understand why your cat rubs its head against you.

Cats are not affectionate

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You have probably heard this phrase a thousand times! But let me tell you that it is nothing but a myth. In fact, based on the breed and in particular the education, a cat can turn out to be an extremely affectionate being.

People are simply more used to the way of expressing affection that dogs have, for which the whole universe revolves around the owner. Cats, on the other hand, are totally independent and self-sufficient beings , and will not hesitate to abandon you if they lack nutrition or a shelter. Additionally, dogs are much more outgoing in showing affection.

However, this does not mean that cats are hostile or shy, on the contrary they have many ways to show us that they like our company. One of the ways they use to show this kind of empathy with their owners or to get their attention is to rub head and body against their “owner”.

When a cat gets close enough to rub it, or allows you to pet it, it means it trusts you and knows you won’t hurt it. Otherwise he would not hesitate to run away. Purring is also a sign that the cat is calm and does not bother your company, but do not be fooled, cats purr even in situations of high stress. It will therefore be better to analyze their body language.

Keep in mind that within the cat’s hierarchy it is he who occupies the highest position, while you are simply another animal with whom to share space and have a symbiotic relationship: you get  him to eat and he lets you live in his territory. . Understanding the dominant role of the cat is essential for coexistence together. Keep in mind that he will tell you when he wants to be petted, when he wants to play and eat, and sometimes when he is in the mood to wrestle with you.


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As we said in the previous paragraph, cats are very territorial animals. For them, everything that falls within their “territory” belongs to them (your house and the neighbors’ yard in case you let it out). For this reason it will implement the marking process as it would in kind.

However, you may not be aware that cats don’t just use their anal glands to mark territory. The cat does not necessarily have to urinate on an object for it to identify as its own: in fact, it is enough for it to rub its body against the things it believes belong to it, impregnating them with its smell. This includes you too.

In general, cats like to delimit their territory, and, to make it more evident, sometimes they  also use visual elements. Anyone who has had a cat surely knows how effective they are in observing our furniture and cushions. For them, marking the surface of a piece of furniture with their nails means that it is their property. Since cats have glands in their fingertips that emit a smell that remains imprinted on objects, it can be said that it is not just a visual marking.

For this reason, if a cat massages you with its paws giving you small, comforting scratches, don’t feel flattered: the cat is simply marking its property. Even the fur, near the hair follicle, secretes an oily liquid which is needed during marking. For this reason, cats rub their bodies against objects, especially after coming into contact with another animal or a person outside the home.

The same happens with the nose: if you see him rubbing his head against you, in addition to greeting you with affection, his scent is attacking you through the glands on both sides of his face.

Well, now you know that your cat’s displays of affection you think are often ways of identifying what they consider their own. However, this has advantages: sometimes, depending on the local fauna and the skill of your cat in the art of hunting, you can receive nocturnal treats: cockroaches, crickets. plucked birds and mostly mice!

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