Dogs In Condominium: Recommendations And Practical Advice

Dogs in condominium: recommendations and practical advice

If you live in the city, in a traditional condominium, then living with a pet can be a real odyssey. Smells, noise and the presence of dogs or cats in common areas can become the cause of quarrels and clashes with neighbors. There is a regulation that establishes a number of rights and duties in these cases. The responsibility of the pet owner is essential to avoid often unpleasant conflicts . For all those who love to keep dogs in condominiums, we have prepared a series of information and advice that, we hope, will be useful to you.

If the animal, with its mere presence, generates tension, it will be even worse if you do not deal  with it properly. The only way to avoid clashes and complaints is to make sure that the animal does not create inconvenience to the other inhabitants of the building. Of course, there will always be people who go overboard and try to profit from every mistake or mistake you make. However, if you adopt a healthy behavior in line with rules and laws,  no one will ever blame you for anything.

Advice and legal rules for keeping dogs in condominiums

The Horizontal Property Law regulates everything related to coexistence in condominiums. This law does not prohibit the keeping of animals. But, if there is a limited number of pets per family, it must be respected. This is mainly due to the prevention of possible problems of a sanitary nature.

dog in bed on the carpet

No neighbor can force you to give up your pet. There are no laws authorizing such behavior. If you act prudently, safeguarding and respecting the harmony of those around you, you will not encounter any problems.

Now, if the apartment is rented, that can change. The owner of the apartment can stipulate in the rental contract  not to accept animals  in his apartment. It may seem inappropriate, but this information is given in advance to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings.

When does an animal represent a problem for the condominium?

Each condominium has specific rules regarding the possession of pets. If you live with a dog, you will need to present a series of data and information to the community . These concern the identification of the animal and the veterinary booklet with vaccinations and treatments.

The most important aspect, however, is how you keep and care for the animal. Try to avoid collisions and accidents with people and other animals in the condominium. In addition, any breakages or damage caused to the elevator, patio or other areas of the building, will be rightly charged. It is always better to take out an insurance policy.

It will also be necessary to monitor the pet’s activities in the common areas. The owner must take care of all the inconveniences that the animal can generate.

In general, a dog trained to coexist with other people is not a problem. The biggest conflict with pets in a neighborhood community is related to noises during rest hours. To avoid this, it will be necessary to educate the animal properly.

Possible infringements of the rules of coexistence

Sometimes, pet owners fail to fully comply with the rules of peaceful coexistence. This happens when the animal barks all night, damages common areas, threatens or scares some neighbors or, again, is left too free and without the necessary leash.

If the pet’s behavior becomes inappropriate, the neighboring community can challenge the situation against you. The president of the community can issue an official notification, so that the owner of the animal changes the attitude of the animal.

In the event that the owner of the animal is a recidivist, there are many measures that can be used to protect the condominium pax . In addition to possible  compensation, irresponsible owners could even be forced to open the doors of their home to check the living conditions and hygiene of the animal.

Tips for having dogs in the condominium

  • Before moving to a new condominium, it is good to inquire about the internal rules and regulations, in relation to the possession of pets.
  • Avoid as much as possible that the animal causes discomfort. This concerns various aspects, from noise disturbance to those of a hygienic type as well as safety for children, people and other animals in the building.
  • Be aware of your rights and inform yourself before passively accepting the decisions of others.
  • It is advisable to train and educate the dog, for its coexistence with neighbors and with other animals.
  • Always take the animal for a walk with the leash.
  • Take care of your dog’s hygiene and cleanliness with precision , both inside and outside the home.

Responsibilities and obligations

Having more than one pet in your home will require even more supervision and care. If you have a pet you will know that your responsibilities are many and, in an apartment building, the situation is even more delicate, since any wrong behavior, smells or noises could create discomfort for those around you.

a dog lying on the parquet at home

Keep in mind that respect and goodwill will always be key to maintaining a friendly relationship with other neighbors. You will find wonderful people who will warmly welcome your dogs in the condominium. Still others, unfortunately, will do everything to make your life impossible. In both cases, prevent all kinds of problems, with proper training of your dog, impeccable cleaning and dedicating time to your four-legged friend.

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