Dogs Move Their Tails With Their Hearts

Dogs move their tails with their hearts

Our four-legged friends never cease to surprise us. They cannot speak, but their ways of communicating with us are many, and we are pleased to discover and understand them in order to be able to understand and love them, even more if possible. The tail is one of the most distinctive features in dogs.

It represents a heap of emotions, like a fountain of feelings that gush everywhere when it moves. An animal’s tail can tell us a lot about how it feels, at any time. Let’s find out the meaning of some of his movements together.

The tail movements of a dog

In circle. Couldn’t be happier. A dog wags its tail “in a circle” when it sees you, when you play with it or when it is playing with another dog. This movement indicates only cheerfulness, parties and good vibes.

From one side to the other. Even so, the dog shows happiness and cheerfulness, even if at the same time it can be a symptom of nervousness and impatience. With this movement, the dog can also reveal a joint of two feelings: desire and fear; he may wish for something to happen but at the same time be scared of what might happen. He will move his tail like this, for example, when he is hungry and will see you approaching with food (as always), but at the same time he will be afraid that you will suddenly take his bowl away.

Tail raised and erect. This is a signal that there is no doubt about. Dogs are descended from wolves, creatures accustomed to hierarchies and to replace their leader without question. This tail movement indicates authority: opposing the animal will be a waste of time.

Tail horizontally. This happens when something catches his attention. Some food, a sniffed object, the presence of another dog, or simply something that moves.

Low tail, with lateral movements very close to the hind legs. It is a way of demonstrating insecurity, uncertainty and perhaps even a little fear. When your dog doesn’t know if you are calling him to scold him or to give him a pat, he may wiggle his tail. He can also do it when something doesn’t satisfy him or completely convinces him.

Tail between the legs. It is a tail movement that can indicate only one thing: fear. There are no other explanations. There is no other reason for your dog to put its tail between its hind legs than fear.

Tail horizontally and taut. Attention! An affront is about to take place. This is an attack position: so if you notice a dog nearby, it is better to take yours in your arms. If, on the other hand, he is angry with a person, to avoid any problems it is good to teach him to socialize.

Their heart reflected in the tail


They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Well, this also applies to our animals. As for the feelings and emotions in dogs, their tail can reveal a lot to us.

Do you know the proverb that says “The mouth speaks of the abundance of the heart”? Well, in the case of our four-legged friends we could say that “ The tail speaks of the abundance of the heart ”.

It is true that they cannot talk, that we cannot communicate with them as we would like, since our dog is our best friend. Who has never dreamed of being able to chat quietly with their dog during walks? But that is impossible, or at least it is impossible for him to answer. But his tail, his tail has a lot to say.

Try talking to your dog and observe his tail. He knows how to perceive your emotions and show empathy towards them, and all of this will be reflected in that special part of his body. Together with his cuddles, his licks – the ones that sometimes bother us – … these are all ways he adopts to communicate with you, to tell you that he loves you and that he will stay by your side at any cost. His tail will show you that his heart is overflowing with good feelings towards you. Never forget it!

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