Dogs Or Cats: Who Wins?

Dogs or cats: who wins?

We human beings usually define things in antagonistic terms, as if we always had to choose and take sides on one side or the other. It happens in politics, in sport, in art… perhaps there is no terrain in which the question “this or that?” Does not arise. Wine or beer? Sea or mountain? Cinema or theater? Of course, the famous question also comes to pets: dogs or cats? 

Dogs, cats and humans: a relationship with a long history

While it’s not a bad thing to be clear on which side to side in many circumstances, it’s also not a bad thing to overdo it. Can’t we like both the sea and the mountains, both wine and beer, both dogs and cats?

The rivalry between these two species has existed for as long as they have inhabited the world. It is believed to have arisen, as always, out of a dispute over food.

Then men became part of their lives  and, over time, affection was born from a relationship of mutual coexistence and – little by little – we transformed them into our pets.

However, for simple observation or for the natural inclination we were talking about at the beginning, which leads us to define things in antagonistic terms, the famous saying “arguing like cat and dog” has spread.

The word competence shouldn’t be about animals

It is more than evident that reality shows us that many dogs chase felines and also that many cats make fun of dogs from the high heights they reach.

However, it is equally true that after many years, the two species have learned to coexist peacefully in the same house together with their human family  and that in many cases they have forged a relationship of true friendship.

It will also depend on your tastes and personality to opt for a four-legged friend who meows or barks. Or maybe for both. Or maybe for yet another species.

However, the biggest mistake we can make with animals is to make them compete with each other. Don’t you agree?

Having a pet: a responsible decision

When you have to choose whether to bring a four-legged friend into your life, there are many factors that intervene in this regard. It is clear that personal taste will be the first element that will make us decide between dogs or cats.

But we must also always think in terms of responsibility towards the animal we will adopt or buy.


  • The space available in our home.
  • The hours that the animal will have to spend alone.
  • Our economic availability to cover the costs of food, veterinary, accessories, etc.
  • The time we can devote to play, to walk, to make him do the needs, etc.
  • How the human family group is composed.

Choose a dog or a cat, or both, but always with love

For this reason, as well as a matter of taste, choosing a pet is above all a decision that you have to make based on your daily reality.

But above all else, it is a choice in which we must put our heart. It is useless to have a pet to follow fashion or to want to show a certain social status.

There is nothing wrong with preferring a cat to a dog, or vice versa. The downside is not loving your pet or subjecting it to any form of abuse, including humanization as well as the irresponsibility that comes from not being able to guarantee its basic needs, such as food and care.

It is equally good that the animal chooses us

Let’s go back to the beginning. It is good in life to be able to choose, but you also don’t have to be more papist than the Pope.

And yes, to each his own, right? But the important thing is always to choose in total freedom.

In any case, it is nice that even a pet, dog or cat, choose you so that you can take care of him and offer him all the love you have. 

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