Flat-nosed Dogs Are More Affectionate

Flat-faced dogs are more affectionate

Flat-faced dogs tend to seem more likeable to us. French bulldogs, Pekingese or others make us sigh for their beauty. Also, they almost always come up and have a little partying there. That’s why it is claimed that flattened-nosed dogs are more affectionate. What’s real?

There are many countries where having a flattened dog has become a trend for no apparent reason. For this reason, a study was carried out with the intention of finding out what this obsession was due to.

One study reveals that flattened-nosed dogs are more affectionate


This obsession with squash-nosed dogs has piqued the curiosity of many researchers. Squash-faced dogs tend to have more ailments and diseases  than others. Also, as a general rule, they die younger, so you didn’t initially understand the benefits of wanting one.

In addition, they often have severe respiratory problems that may sometimes require surgery. However, the specialist who published his research in Plos One says that those who adopt one of these expensive and poorly-health dogs are rewarded by its quiet and affectionate demeanor. Could it be true that love compensates for all defects? We see.

McGreewy looked at 60,000 dogs of 45 different breeds to analyze the relationship that may exist between their physical characteristics and their behavior. The size of the skull has been found to have a huge impact on behavior. Flat-nosed dogs were more affectionate and obedient than pointy-nosed ones.

This was concluded because these dogs were more likely to run after a toy when it was thrown at them. They also proved less fearful when it came to chasing out strangers. It has been found that they are capable of anything to protect their masters.

Another feature that seems to be very attractive to people who choose this type of dog is their gaze. Their bulging eyes help them keep their gaze fixed. This creates a special bond between these specimens and their owners. This also helps them to see more easily what their masters indicate to them, thus being more obedient and more agile.

Are there any dogs that are more affectionate than others?


According to Sergio Gómez, the answer is no. He states that it is the feeling that makes us try a dog that makes us consider him more or less affectionate.

For any person who has a dog, their pet is the most beautiful in the world and, of course, the most affectionate. So, to say that there are dogs that are more affectionate than others is to generalize. It is absolutely not our intention to say that dogs that do not have a flattened face are not affectionate. You know well that we at My Animals like to keep you informed about all the studies that are carried out on our friends, dogs, cats and other animals.

According to Sergio Gómez, a veterinarian who specializes in behavior, dogs with flattened snouts have different attitudes than other types of dogs, which can make us think that they are more affectionate.

For example, when playing, snubbed-nosed dogs have a greater tendency to lick rather than bite. This makes them seem more loving than those who, when we play with them, try to bite us. Even if they are playing, sometimes they can also hurt us.

On the other hand, the face of a dog with a flat snout can arouse more tenderness than that of a dog with a long muzzle, prompting us to pet him more and to make him show us more affection.

Therefore, it cannot be generalized, and although it is possible that some studies show that squash-nosed dogs are more affectionate, we are sure that the most loving and beautiful dog in the world is yours. Isn’t that so?

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