German Tourist Adopts A Stray Dog ​​in The Philippines

Have you ever found a stray dog ​​on the street that made you feel the irrepressible desire to take it home with you?  We hope you have followed your instincts. A similar thing happened to Emmy Karnót, but there is a small detail: when she met Buddy, the woman was on vacation in the Philippines, many kilometers away from her home in Germany.

A happy meeting

Image source: Emmy Karnót’s Facebook page

Don’t worry, the story has a happy ending and after several months of formalities, the dog and owner now live together in Germany. Here Buddy, so named because he became Emmy’s inseparable friend, learned to adapt to the cold weather and soon made new friends, dog and human.

But how did we get to this point? It all started when Emmy decided to spend her holidays in Boracay, a paradise island south of Manila, the capital of the Philippines. His birthday was approaching and the woman thought of celebrating it with friends, around a bonfire on the beach.

She then went to a police office to ask how to get permission. Here the meeting took place. The agent showed her two puppies, just six weeks old, who lived under an abandoned car. The woman immediately befriended one of the two dogs, with whom she played for quite a while.

A stray dog, the best birthday present

It was then that the cop made a gesture that took Emmy by surprise. He took the little dog and gave it to her, wishing her happy birthday. Emmy did not feel like refusing the gift, even if she had some doubts. He also had never had a dog and didn’t know how to care for them.

Suddenly the woman thought that, in any case, what she could offer the puppy was much more than what the animal possessed at the time.

So, little by little, the two began to forge a strong friendship, to the point that Emmy’s “holidays” lasted three months longer than expected, the time needed to complete all the formalities and be able to return to Germany with the ‘beloved little dog.

Meanwhile, Emmy and Buddy enjoyed the beach and the sea. The woman taught the puppy to swim. Who knows if the animal realized that it had traded a life of hardship for a happier and more comfortable future?

You too can give a stray dog ​​as a gift

The global figures for pets abandoned on the street are constantly growing. You don’t have to wait until you are in an exotic location to adopt one. If you are considering getting a cat, dog or other pet, the best action you can take is to go to a shelter or kennel and make your choice.

If, on the other hand, you happen to come across a stray that makes you fall in love at first sight, act wisely and with heart. First, make sure his owners aren’t looking for him. And if after following an impulse, you regret or realize that you cannot take care of the animal properly, do not abandon it again.

Try to find accommodation among friends, family and acquaintances. If you can’t, make sure he can be accepted into a shelter, but make sure he is treated well before someone else adopts him.

Happier animals

Image source: Emmy Karnót’s Facebook page

The reality of stray dogs is usually tougher, but it’s nice to hear stories like Emmy and Buddy’s. If you want to see some more images you can visit this link.

Fortunately, less viral encounters occur every day on the net, but equally happy, between humans and abandoned animals who are given the opportunity to start a new life.

It is never superfluous to remember how much living with a pet will make you happier people. Don’t hesitate to adopt an abandoned animal. The benefits, in the true sense of the word, will be mutual. 

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