Healthy Drinks For Your Dog

Dogs can only ingest certain types of fruit juices, as some fruits are just as bad for their digestive system as chocolate is. The drinks we are going to tell you about in this article will prevent cell injury and strengthen your dog’s immune system.
Healthy drinks for your dog

Did you know that it is possible to increase your dog’s degree of hydration by adding healthy and delicious drinks to his diet? Your best friend will enjoy the flavor and nutritional benefits of natural fruit and vegetable juices. Below we will offer you some delicious recipes of healthy drinks for your dogs.

Nutritional needs in a dog’s diet

Although it is always our intention to offer nutritious and tasty food to our little friend, we must be clear that the organism of dogs is different from ours. Our four-legged friends have specific nutritional needs, as well as special food intolerances and sensitivities.

Many foods that seem delicious to us can pose a serious health risk to our dogs. Chocolate is undoubtedly the emblematic example of how a food loved by humans is extremely harmful to dogs.

In addition to chocolate, there are a whole host of prohibited foods in the canine diet, including some fruits and vegetables, especially if fresh and not cooked.

dog eats chocolate from bowl

Forbidden items for our dogs

  • Fruits : Dogs should not consume lemons, oranges, grapefruits, avocados, grapes, raisins, seeds and macadamia nuts.
  • Vegetables : Garlic, onion, leek and spring onions are toxic to our animals. Also, they cannot eat raw potatoes, asparagus and other raw vegetables in general.
  • Beverages : Dogs should never drink carbonated or sugary drinks, such as industrial juices or sweetened sodas. Coffee, tea and drinks with chocolate are also harmful and should not be included in their diet. Finally, alcoholic beverages are extremely dangerous for their health.
  • Sweets : Our pets cannot eat human sweets such as candies, cookies or chocolates. These foods contain a lot of fats, sugars and flours that weaken their digestive system.
  • Chemical or biological ferments: The consumption of biological yeasts and chemical ferments can cause many digestive problems, such as gas, diarrhea and vomiting. In excessive doses, these substances can poison our dogs.

dog watching roast chicken

Healthy drinks: which ingredients to use?

To prepare excellent healthy drinks for your dog, you can use vegetables and fruits that are good for his body. The high amount of vitamins and minerals found in the right vegetables is great for boosting a dog’s diet. In addition, they contain fiber that promotes digestion and helps prevent constipation when given in adequate doses.

On the other hand, fruit contains antioxidants, which are essential for strengthening the immune system and preventing cell damage in your dog. Although we usually associate antioxidants with aesthetics, in reality these substances are essential to fight free radicals and degenerative diseases.

Healthy fruit and vegetable drinks are also an excellent option for the summer season. With the arrival of the hottest days, it is essential to strengthen the hydration of our animals, and we can help them cool off and stay well hydrated by preparing them delicious nutritious drinks.

Five healthy fruit drinks for dogs

  • Cranberry Juice: Cranberry juice is one of the best nutritious drinks for your dog. This fruit contains a very high level of antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber. However, pay attention to the quantity, since excessive consumption can cause diarrhea and vomiting; it is also essential to eliminate the seeds of blueberries before preparing the juice.
  • Strawberry Nutritious Drink: Just like blueberries, strawberries provide vitamin C and antioxidants. In addition, they are known for their digestive and diuretic properties, which are extremely positive for the dog’s body. Remember to strain the strawberry juice before offering it to the dog.
  • Watermelon juice: watermelons contain a lot of water, which is why they are excellent for restoring the animal’s hydration. Moderate consumption of watermelon juice will offer plenty of vitamins as well as being super refreshing. You can offer this drink to the dog once or twice a week; first, eliminate the seeds.
  • Healthy peach drink: peaches are fruits rich in iron, soluble fiber and antioxidants. For this, they help promote intestinal transit, as well as prevent anemia, constipation and degenerative diseases. Remember, first of all, to remove the skin and the core.
  • Melon drink: melons have excellent diuretic and antioxidant properties, as well as being rich in vitamins A and E. In addition, they promote an excellent supply of water, helping to keep the animal well hydrated.

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