Hippo Saves The Life Of A Zebra

Hippo saves a zebra's life

We will never stop saying that animals are amazing and deserve all our love. Their loyalty and unconditional love go beyond what many humans can come to feel. An animal doesn’t care about the color of your skin, whether you have hair or are bald, whether you are fat or thin.

They are moved solely by pure feelings, in which partiality and prejudice have no place. It doesn’t matter if they risk their lives or have to make great efforts to help another animal.

Reading this news brings to mind scenes of people walking by the side of those in trouble and going straight or watching indifferently as if it were not reality, but a bad movie.

This story moves us and makes us think how much better the world could be if humans took the goodness of animals as an example.

Do you want to brighten your day? Read this sweet story of how a hippo managed to rescue a small zebra in danger.

The hippo and the zebra


Photo author: Allison Mickel

Although the argument leads him to think, it is not a fable, but a story that really happened during the period of the migration of some herds of animals, forced to cross a rushing river.

A team of journalists and photographers from a nature magazine were on site to shoot a documentary. They did not imagine that they would have the opportunity to witness a very special rescue.

After a herd of wildebeest descended from the mountain, fearlessly plunged into the river to make the crossing, it was also the turn of a herd of zebras.

Zebras in trouble

The river had swelled, it was not at all easy to cross it and maintain balance in the water. A struggle began between the zebras and the currents of the river, which seemed interminable. During these migrations, carried out once a year to escape from the cold or to move in search of food, a large number of specimens of different species die, which are unable to cross it.

The animals that have the greatest difficulty crossing the river are cubs and pregnant zebras. On this occasion it was a zebra cub who was in trouble.

A soft-hearted hippo

The hippo quickly realized that the young zebra was in trouble. The water was dragging her mercilessly and beginning to cover her head, preventing her from breathing. The baby zebra’s head sank under the water and re-emerged, causing fear for the worst. The reporters filmed the scene feeling helpless.

But at this point, the hero arrives: a hippo who hasn’t stood by and watched a cub in distress. He did not think twice and, with his body, he created a kind of “dam”, to prevent the water from dragging the zebra away while, at the same time, pushing it with his mouth until it brought it safely to shore.

A story with a happy ending

It’s nice to believe that this mighty animal didn’t stop to think about whether this puppy was of its kind or not. His good heart prompted him to act.

It is inevitable to ask why there are human beings who continue to kill animals or who passively witness their mistreatment.

But let’s go back to the end of the story. When the little zebra made it to the shore safely, the hippo stayed beside her, as if trying to make sure she was okay. He even introduced certain parts of the zebra’s body into his mouth, as if he wanted to warm it up. Don’t you think it’s incredible?

Would you have liked to have seen this scene? Did you doubt that we would release this video?

Here it is, enjoy!

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