How To Play Frisbee With Your Dog

How to play Frisbee with your dog

Dogs love to chase things and bring them back to their owner. Well, playing Frisbee with your dog is a great idea to be outdoors, move, burn energy and, above all, share time together. Do you want to know how to do it? Then don’t miss the tips and tricks that we have summarized in this article.

Playing is a simple word, but one that encompasses a great deal of concepts. Participating with your best friend in an activity such as  frisbee will allow you to dedicate time and attention to the animal, strengthening the bond that unites you. In addition, you will help him  develop his skills, concentration and have a more obedient and healthier dog.

Learn to play Frisbee with your dog

The fun of this game isn’t just that the dog brings the disc back to you. In particular, your four-legged friend will have to jump in order to grab the  Frisbee on the fly. Do you think he will be able to do it? Definitely with a little training and our suggestions! Obviously, first, you must have taught him to bring back other objects, training him with the use of a ball or a puppet. If not, before dedicating yourself to the  Disc Dog , it is essential that the animal learns to bring things back and also commands such as “Take / Spring” or “Door”.

Buying a frisbee for dogs

The frisbee for people are made of hard materials and may be  harmful for your pet. You may end up hitting him in the face and if he catches it with his teeth, he may feel pain. Therefore, it is best to buy dog-specific Frisbees, which are softer, lighter and absolutely harmless to doggies.

a beagle brings the frisbee back to its master on the beach

It should be noted that the range of brands to choose from is wide, although the most famous and recognized are Hyperflite, Hero or Aerobie. As you have seen, it is therefore necessary to choose a  suitable Frisbee and not to use the first one you find.

Associate Frisbee with something positive

There is nothing like positive reinforcement to train or educate a dog. Even if your specimen can run after an object and bring it back, this game will be something new for him. To bring him closer to using  Frisbee and to associate this game with something positive, follow these four tips:

a border collie catching a Frisbee with his mouth

  • Use the Frisbee as a food bowl for a  few days, it would be better for at least a week. Put the baby food in there and let the dog eat it. In this way he will get used to seeing it and associate it with something absolutely pleasant, like eating.
  • Pass a sausage or piece of meat on the disc, so that it  takes the smell and hides it. Then, ask the dog to look for it. The smell will attract him easily.
  • Give him a reward. Any act or intention of taking the record should be rewarded, because there is no better motivation. Even when he decides to take the record out of your hand, that’s a good thing. Give him his prize!
  • Don’t force him to drop the disc, but rather use another disc to tempt him and release the one he’s already gripping between his teeth.

Roll it into the ground

To play Frisbee with your dog , you need to get the animal used to seeing the disc. Instead of immediately throwing it into the air, which may be more difficult for him, it is better to roll it over and let the animal chase it. Once you have put this little trick into practice, as soon as the dog shows signs of wanting to go look for it, try to throw it once in the air, alternating it with rolling. This way the animal will gradually get used to the new game.


If you present this game as part of the routine and motivate the dog to participate with prizes and rewards, there will likely come a point where the animal will want the Frisbee so much that it won’t wait for it to fall to the ground, but will jump to catch it. Just be patient and trust your pet’s intelligence. Sometimes it may take longer, but it will eventually succeed.

Just remember that positive reinforcement is the key. Be patient and avoid punishing or yelling at your four-legged friend. Take a break, give it a few strokes and try again one more time. Playing  Frisbee with your dog is not an easy task at first, but with love and affection you will discover a really fun and special game to always play together. Wherever and as often as you like.

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