How To Prevent Dog Dependence On Owner

How to prevent dog dependence on the owner

After a few years of conviction, it is possible that some owners realize that their dog depends too much on them. Obviously it is nice and, indeed, it is desirable that there is a strong, deep and special bond with your four-legged friend. But in many cases this ‘canine addiction’ can become a real problem, if excessive and boundless.

Since little is said about this topic, we have decided to dedicate an article specifically to the topic, providing you with general information and some  practical suggestions to prevent a healthy relationship between dog and owner from leading to an undesirable  addiction.

Dog dependence on the owner: when is it excessive?

Dogs suffering from canine addiction are the ones who need to be around their owners all the time to be happy and feel safe. Otherwise, they suffer enormously. This is not a behavior that a dog is born with, but it develops over time. Unfortunately, much of the blame usually lies with the owners themselves, but there are also other factors that contribute to making dog-owner addiction excessive:

master with white dog

  • Early weaning.
  • Possible trauma suffered by the mother during pregnancy.
  • Incomplete and superficial training and education.
  • Excessive stimulation during an early age.

To tell the truth, in order to face (and solve) the problem, it is first of all necessary to distinguish between two different situations : canine addiction and separation anxiety. The latter is something that normally occurs in puppies and that should disappear over time, when the dog and owner trust is consolidated. We are talking about something specific that appears at particular, precise moments, exactly when the animal is left alone.

On the contrary, canine addiction goes further, because it affects not a moment but an entire state of mind that lasts over time. And that prevents your pet from living in a peaceful and balanced way.

Canine addiction and animal health

Excessive dependence on the owner generates a lack of happiness in the animal , as this depends on contact with its owners. In addition, it can generate a lot of stress, which can lead to serious health problems. Some individuals may even stop eating or fall into a constant state of depression. To be taken into consideration are the words of a famous trainer, who states:

Some believe that there are more likely to breed  excessive dependence, but this is not entirely true, because it is not scientifically proven. No breed and no dog is born closely linked to its owner, on the contrary this degenerated relationship is the result of a mix of elements, such as the education and training received. So what to do to  avoid having an overly dependent dog ?

Mistakes to avoid if the dog is too dependent on the owner

If you have recently adopted a new four-legged friend and you want to be sure of raising him in a balanced way, without falling into canine addiction, here are four simple tips for you that you will surely find very useful:

girl hugs dog at the beach

  • If your dog has a tendency to follow you, perhaps because that’s what you’ve taught him since he was a puppy, well it’s time to stop this bad habit. When you arrive home and have said goodbye to your friend, everyone will have to go to their place and take care of their own chores. Teach him two or three words that let him know he needs to stay calm in the doghouse or in another area of ​​the house.
  • Be firm and constant in orders and limitations. If you decide to go to your room or sit in an armchair, after the greeting, always do it. Only thanks to repetition can you make the animal understand what is the best way to behave.
  • Give him love. Fighting and preventing excessive addiction does not mean ignoring the dog or, even worse, denying him pampering and attention. You simply have to prioritize your day, giving your pet the right attention, without overdoing it.
  • Don’t humanize the dog. A dog is and always will be a dog. Establish rules: meal time, the area to rest, get him used to obeying and don’t spoil him. A dog that knows how to recognize and respect the rules is a healthy and happy dog, because it has learned to live with its owner in a healthy way.

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