How To Teach The Cat To Sleep In The Kennel

How to teach the cat to sleep in the kennel

Cats are far more independent than dogs. On the contrary, to sleep, they do everything to get into bed, under the sheets. During the day, they want to take advantage of the sofa and, at night, your warm bed. For a number of different reasons, however, some of you dislike this nighttime company. Teaching the cat to sleep in the kennel means breaking with this habit.

The question is one: is it possible to convince cats to rest in a kennel? If you own one of these little cats, you already know that they are much less likely to obey dogs. This does not mean, however, that teaching them a ban is completely impossible.

Here is a complete article with useful tips and some tricks to get your cat to sleep in his bed.

Why do cats dislike sleeping in the kennel?

Teach the cat to sleep in the kennel

As you may know, cats sleep for around 15 hours a day. Changing the place to rest is therefore normal, it serves to help you sleep better. The same human beings, if they lie for days in the same bed, in the same position, suffer from back pain and stiff neck.

These little cats, therefore, move to seek ever greater convenience and comfort. You often see them perched in places that make you smile, yet it is their way to relax and sleep at their best. It may also be that the cat does not like the bed you have bought or built.

The secret must be sought in the very nature of the animal, less tame than the dog. Cats look for a shelter that is comfortable but also safe. For this reason, it may happen that your cat is located in elevated areas, from where it can have a certain control over the environment in which it lives.

Here are five possible reasons why your cat chooses to sleep in your bed :

  • He needs to feel safe and secure.
  • He considers you as part of the pack.
  • The bed is higher than its kennel.
  • Prefers the heat.
  • He needs contact. A logical manifestation if you maybe spend many hours away from home.

If you don’t mind sharing a bed with your cat, there’s nothing wrong with that. If, on the other hand, you want the animal to stay in its place, read on.

How to teach the cat to sleep in the kennel

The steps to follow are different, so let’s see the most effective ones:

Choose a suitable bed

We anticipated earlier that the cat is very demanding when it comes to the kennel. In order for the animal to like and feel comfortable in it, it must resemble a bed as much as possible. Avoid old, hard and cold kennels. Also remember to choose a correct position. Always place her away from the litter box, close to heat sources and high enough.

If you want to know how to create the perfect cat bed, you need to keep these simple points in mind:

  • Size. The animal must be able to access it easily and enter it lying down or curled up. You must feel protected in this small space.
  • Hygiene. Choose an easy-to-clean dog bed. Avoid the accumulation of hair, bacteria and bad smells.
  • Materials. Forget the kennels made of plastic. In addition to being uncomfortable, they are too cold in winter and hot in summer. An advice? Bring the cat with you and let him try various kennels: he will choose.
  • Shapes. The market today offers kennels of various types, colors and shapes. Try to get a kennel that suits your pet’s tastes. If the cat likes to hide in the pillows, a large and soft bed can work. Also prefer those kennels that allow you to be positioned high. Again for the speech we mentioned earlier, about feeling safe when sleeping.

    Cat beds: other useful tips

    Teach the cat to sleep in the bed

    If knowing how to choose a suitable kennel is not enough, here is a series of useful tips to always keep in mind:

    • Always keep the bed in the same place.
    • Use supports to position it high.
    • Let him play and tire so that, once in the kennel, he does not move.
    • Close your bedroom door.
    • Leave a cloth or shirt with your scent in the kennel.
    • Put some treats in the kennel: the cat will associate sleeping in this with a positive action.
    • Reward him if he goes alone in the kennel.

    In order to satisfy all these points, obviously, it will take time and patience. But if you want your cat to sleep in his kennel, and no longer in your bed, it’s worth the effort.

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