How To Tell If Your Dog Is Pregnant

How to tell if your dog is pregnant

Knowing if a dog has become pregnant may not be easy, even when you know for sure that she has had intercourse with another dog. Either way, it’s certainly not impossible. In this article we will give you some instructions to understand if your dog is pregnant.

One of the key moments for the proper development of puppies takes place inside the womb, which is why the mother’s care at the time of motherhood is essential. The surest way to tell if your dog is pregnant is to take her to the vet for a blood test and ultrasound.

In any case, if your dog is not spayed and has had contact with other dogs while she was in heat, or if you observe unusual behavior,  here are some tips to understand if she is pregnant.

Lack of appetite

Contrary to what happens with women, in bitches the first symptoms of pregnancy produce loss of appetite. Even if he won’t stop eating completely, you will see a considerable reduction in appetite, both because he eats fewer times a day and because he eats smaller portions.

Undoubtedly, the loss of appetite can be due to a variety of reasons, so the best thing to do is to take her to the vet so that she can see her to avoid unpleasant consequences, such as malnutrition or dehydration. Furthermore, if it is not a question of pregnancy, it is still good to understand what the symptoms are due to.

Variations in appearance

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The body of a pregnant dog shows a surprising transformation. For example, during the first weeks of pregnancy,  you may notice an enlargement of the breasts. This is due to the fact that your dog is preparing to breastfeed the puppies, so her breasts will be more swollen than normal. Despite this, you should also know that it could be a psychological pregnancy.

Another obvious change, due to pregnancy, will obviously be the bulging of the belly. When the pregnancy is advanced, puppies can even be felt to put pressure on the pet’s belly.

Behavioral changes

Due to the hormonal changes and physical problems your dog’s body will experience, some behavioral changes are likely to occur as well.  Although dogs are generally active during pregnancy, physical activity will be drastically reduced during most of the waiting period. In this way, if you see that your 4-legged friend is resting more than usual or gets tired without trying too hard, it is likely that she is pregnant. Of course, as always, this condition can be caused by a large number of other pathologies; therefore it is best to take her to your trusted vet as soon as possible.

He will seek refuge

When preparing for the arrival of the litter, the most likely thing is that your dog will start looking for some kind of warm shelter, free from humidity and drafts, where to give birth to the puppies. Therefore, if you see her carrying blankets or other insulating materials, it could mean that she is preparing the nest for her future puppies, so pay attention. This behavior will be much more pronounced during the last weeks of pregnancy, as she will look for the ideal place to deliver and care for her puppies.

Special attention

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In all these cases you will have to keep in mind some aspects that should not be underestimated under any circumstances, as they are fundamental for the health of your friend and her future puppies:

  • Make sure she is well hydrated and fed, especially during periods of heat.
  • Get her to do light exercises, such as walking, as this will strengthen and help her during delivery.
  • Take her to the vet every week so that she can monitor the development of the puppies. It will be your best ally during this happy moment.

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