How To Tell If Your Dog Loves You Madly

How to tell if your dog loves you madly

We are sure that your pet is one of the beings you love most in the world. You will think that your dog loves you because he is a very expressive animal. However, if you want to be 100% sure that her feelings are sincere, take a look at this article. You will know that your dog loves you immensely!

How to tell if your dog loves you?

This is a question that many dog ​​owners ask themselves. Since they cannot express their feelings in words, many times we wonder if our relationship with our furry friend is one of love or convenience (he only comes near us when he is hungry or when we have a gift for him). If your dog does at least one of the following, it means he loves you madly.

1. Stares at you


Sometimes you are doing something around the house and suddenly you realize that your pet is staring at you, as if it wants to bewitch you. The same happens when he is playing or when he sleeps next to you. This is an excellent sign! When a dog stares at something, it releases a hormone (oxytocin), the same hormone a mother produces when she sees her child. 

2. Yawn at the same time

We already know that yawns are contagious and if you see someone yawning, you too will do one almost at the same time. But things don’t work that way in animals (even if they yawn when they’re sleepy). Your dog will observe you for a good part of the day, as we have already explained to you before, so  if you just open your mouth to yawn he will do the same, it means that he feels empathy towards you  and that you have a very strong bond.

3. It rests on your belly

You sit on the sofa or chair in the living room and suddenly your dog approaches you and rests his head on top of you, or even on your feet, arm or chest, depending on the situation. What does this gesture mean? Who loves you madly! He is looking for protection and affection and he knows that only you can offer it to him. If this isn’t a show of love, what else is it?

4. Looks for you after eating

Food is one of the most important things in an animal’s life, for sure you know that. If your 4-legged friend approaches you as soon as he finishes eating and asks you to cuddle him, this is something to consider. Because? Because it means that after food… the second most important thing in his life is you!

5. He makes you a lot of parties when you come back

You may have left the house for only five minutes to go shopping or to take out the garbage, or hang out the clothes on the balcony … it doesn’t matter, because when you return, your dog will party like he hasn’t seen you in years. He moves his tail frantically, jumps all over, licks you, barks, rolls on the ground… these  are all signs of his happiness and his love for you.

6. He licks you


It may not be something you appreciate very much, but it is an animal’s way of expressing its affection. Every time he licks you (especially your face), he is showing you that you are part of his family,  that he loves you and that you are very important to him.

The same thing happens when he sniffs you incessantly, (especially in odorous areas such as feet). Why does he do it? Because it is a way to understand how to find you, in addition to enjoying your characteristic smell.

7. He even follows you to the bathroom

You get up from the sofa to go and make a sandwich in the kitchen and your dog follows you like a shadow. Go to the bathroom … and he’s behind you watching your back. It doesn’t matter if you take just a few steps to get something, he will follow you. The reason is very simple: he loves you too much to be able to be without you for even a minute. 

8. It comforts you, because your dog loves you

Dogs are the best medicine we have. If you are sad, depressed, tired or sick, your pet turns into what you need to make you feel good again. Do not forget that animals are very sensitive beings and they notice everything that happens to their master. Therefore, if he sits next to you when you are in bed, or licks you when you cry, it is because your dog loves you so much.

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