Learn To Comb Your Cat Correctly

Learn to style your cat properly

The habit of combing a cat is not only a question of aesthetics, but also of health. It is also a way to establish an emotional bond with the animal.

By instinct, cats are used to combing their hair by licking their fur. The first consequence of this habit is the production of hairballs in the animal’s mouth, which are then swallowed.

Sometimes, these furballs can lead to suffocation. To get rid of them, the feline is forced to vomit, a fairly unpleasant habit that forces cat owners to look for ways to prevent this from happening.

Combing a cat helps to preserve the shine of its coat, as well as eliminate excess hair on its body. This helps reduce the amount of hair they usually leave around the house.

Another reason for combing your cat is the reduction of dandruff secretion. This is, in fact, one of the main causes of allergy in cats. Daily brushing also helps prevent fleas or lice from occurring.

Tips for combing your cat

  1. Find the best time to do it. The ideal is to wait for the cat to be relaxed, especially the first few times you comb it or if it is not yet used to it.

long-haired cat to comb

  • The best way to start is by petting the cat. Take a few minutes to caress his fur, then slowly begin to alternate stroking with brushing.
  • Specialists who advocate communication with felines recommend talking to the animal. We have to explain to him that we are going to comb it, asking permission to do it.
  • It is very likely that in the first few occasions the cat is not very inclined to be combed. In these cases, it is advisable not to let the process last too long. Extend the duration of the operation a little at a time, making him gain confidence little by little.
  1. Use the right comb. To comb a cat, a special brush must be used. Depending on the type of hair, there are in fact brushes with harder or softer bristles.
  • Brushes with wide bristles are ideal for thick furs. If the hair is short, the recommended brush is the rubber one.
  • Moistening the comb can help prevent the hair from dispersing into the environment.
  • It is advisable to start by combing the side or back of the cat, then move on to the neck and head. Paws and belly should be brushed last. The latter is the area that bothers cats the most, so it’s best to avoid starting there.
  • Although paws and belly are the most difficult areas, it is still important to brush them. That’s where cats usually lick each other most, generating hairballs.

A matter of time and habit

  1. Calculate the duration. There is no specific duration for brushing your cat.  The only precaution in this regard is that the operation lasts no less than four minutes.

This time frame will be more than enough to decrease dandruff, as well as activate the skin’s natural oil and make the fur shiny.

Just as there is no minimum time, there is also no maximum time. We have to make the feline understand that this is a petting session, so that we can brush him as long as we want.

4.  Establish a routine. Like many other animals, cats are also very routine beings. One way to get them used to brushing is by doing it every day at the same time.

It is important to identify when the cat is most relaxed. To do this, observe his routine: usually, the time immediately before and after meals is not the best.

Bathing a cat

The fact that cats don’t get along with water is well known. Yet, it is only a matter of habit.

woman bathes the cat

A cat accustomed to bathing from an early age will be more than willing to be washed for cleaning. Adult cats usually show the greatest resistance to this ritual.

In these cases, we give you some tips that you can follow:

  1. Comb your cat before bathing. This will help you get rid of the dead hair.
  2. Use an appropriate shampoo for your puppy. The specific products are specially designed not to irritate the mucous membranes.
  3. Use rubber gloves. This way, the cat won’t slip out of your hands because of the soap.
  4. Dry it with a warm towel.

Source of main image: combed cat

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