Maternal Instinct In Cats

Maternal instinct in cats

Pregnant cats tend to behave in a way that is not entirely habitual. In addition to gaining weight, they will try to get the owner’s attention and require more “intimate” care.

They will also be more affectionate, although sometimes they may be somewhat irritable, disinterested in other animals and will spend all day resting. In today’s article we will give you some tips to accompany your pet during this phase, so that you can understand its behaviors and not worry. Let’s find out what the maternal instinct in cats is.

Need for privacy

A pregnant cat will go in search of a new and safe place to relax and to spend her pregnancy: resting while waiting for her future kittens. So if you notice that your cat is hiding in the closet, don’t worry, she just wants to be quiet. Leave it where you found it and respect its privacy.

Greater heaviness

black and red white pregnant cat

As the belly grows, the cat will feel weighted down and her movements will no longer be as dynamic as they used to be. During pregnancy, cats usually gain up to more than three kilos of weight. For this reason the animal will be sleepy and very quiet.

If your pet is in this phase, let him respond in view of the birth of his puppies, a period in which he will have to constantly keep up with these and their needs.

Disinterest in other cats

The cat will not show interest in other cats, she will only think about resting and her intimacy. Although he may want to spend time in the common areas of the house, his attitude will generally be somewhat aloof. Therefore, if you have other cats, it is best to keep them away from the pregnant cat. Doing so will avoid subjecting her to unnecessary stressful situations, as she will not be interested in interacting with other animals.

Maternal instinct, an explosion of tenderness

Additionally, a pregnant cat will seek even more affection. He will definitely rub on your legs and purr constantly. In general, she will feel more affectionate towards humans, which is why you will need to give her more attention.

Signs of unease

During the last weeks of gestation, your cat will appear agitated: she will walk around the house in search of cozy and hidden spots in which to rest in intimacy.

If you notice that your pet is overly irritable and restless, the best thing to do is to contact your vet, as this  could be a complication of the pregnancy.

The puppies arrive


The pregnancy period of the cats lasts approximately between 55 and 69 days. During the birth, the cat will allow you or not to be close to her based on the relationship that binds you.

Each animal carries within itself part of the character of its owner; for this reason, before giving birth, your cat will be able to show you what place she wants you to occupy.

Another unmissable moment is that of looking after the kittens. Most cats take care of their kittens very carefully. It is recommended not to touch kittens during the first days of life, as the mother may be quite jealous of her young. Be patient, over the weeks the degree of trust will grow and your cat will allow you to touch them without problems.

Cats can be separated from their mother around 3 months of age. At this stage, the puppies’ dependence on their mother will no longer be such as to prevent them from moving into a new home without major inconveniences.

If you don’t want your cat to get pregnant again, we recommend that you sterilize her. Keep in mind that cats can get pregnant three times a year, and the average number of kittens for each pregnancy ranges from two to five creatures.

This is a simple operation that does not take much time and is the best way to avoid unwanted pregnancies. In addition, the cat will recover quickly. Remember: after the birth of the puppies, it is necessary to wait 6 weeks before neutering.

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