Myths And Truths About Dog Harnesses

Myths and truths about dog harnesses

More and more owners are using the dog harness to walk their pet. However, there are still a lot of myths and misinformation about this tool, which we will explore in this article.

Like many other pet items and accessories, you can find many different types of harnesses on the market . Personal preferences and price are the factors that most influence the choice of this or that brand. Despite this, many people hesitate to use it for a number of wrong reasons which, right here, we will try to debunk.

Dog harness: 5 myths to dispel

1. The dog pulls harder

Criticism of this dog accessory usually begins with this topic. Many people believe that the dog harness works like the ones used by dogs that pull sleds. But these are two completely different situations, since there is no danger that your pet will instinctively pull harder as soon as you put on this tool. A pure urban legend.

In fact, dogs that pull sleds or play similar sports succeed after years of training. Pulling something or running in a straight line surrounded by other dogs is not part of the normal activities of your four-legged friend, rest assured.

In reality, the harness does not even produce the opposite effect. Some believe that it is enough to let go of the leash and use this tool to solve the problem of the dog pulling and pulling the owner. This is an education problem: the problem is not related to the use of the collar or harness, but lies in the training, which you will need to improve.

2. All harnesses are fine

The use of the harness is often presented as a less painful system  is safer for the animal. It is thought that, in affecting the shoulders and chest, it does not cause the same damage that the collar could cause to the neck of your four-legged friend. Unfortunately, however, only some models respond to this advantage. Others can  hurt the dog a lot.

a dog standing on the ground with dog harness

Front-supported harnesses, also called anti-pull, can cause injuries, such as contractures or dislocations. They are a great example of the fact that not all types of dog harnesses are harmless, since their long-term use ends up causing health problems for the animal.

The muzzle dog harness  should also be avoided. This class of devices consists of nylon strips placed on the animal’s head and muzzle. The strap pulls from under the jaw, causing severe damage and pain from the very first moment. We repeat: it is not recommended at all.

3. The dog can escape more easily

Many owners worry that their dog is afraid to wear this tool and, at the same time, can easily break free from the harness. Often these are people who adopt other very harmful systems, such as the chain or choke leash, simply for an unjustified fear of the dog’s escape.

dog and owner sitting at the bar

On the contrary, there are “three-point” harnesses designed specifically to prevent the animal from freeing itself and running away. These accessories include an extra safety rope that goes right under the dog’s belly, preventing any possibility of unhooking. It is practically impossible, even by twisting or moving a lot, that the animal manages to get rid of the tool.

4. Dog harnesses are very expensive (more than leashes)

Like collars, leashes or muzzles, there is a large variety of harnesses and each will obviously have a different price. There are very expensive deluxe models  , with optional elements that are often not essential … But in reality you will find very wide price ranges to choose from.

There is a harness for each pocket. It is not necessary to buy a renowned brand, or the model that is more fashionable: their cost will always be very high. As always, look for a good compromise between quality and price.

5. A dog harness is difficult to put on

If it is true that there are harnesses that are difficult to put on, it will depend on the model and the cooperation of the dog at the time of application. In relation to the character and size of your pet, you can choose a product that is more or less easy to wear. Some models are put on in seconds, others require proper assembly.

a small poodle with dog harness

Some models have a unique “Y” structure that requires your dog’s cooperation. Gently, you will have to guide his front legs in order to properly attach the harness. On the other hand, if you prefer  simple things, we point out the Norwegian model, which is worn in an instant, simply by placing the animal’s head inside a wide collar and with the attachment of two straps.

The harness is the best option for walking your dog in a safe and healthy way. As you have seen, these are not difficult accessories to assemble  nor too expensive. The most important aspect is certainly the choice. When you decide to buy one of these dog harnesses, make sure you get one that your four-legged friend likes and is adequate. Try various models, sizes and colors and you will avoid making mistakes.

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