Ney, A Dog We Will Always Remember

Ney, a dog we will always remember

If you have passed through the Plaza de Lugo in La Coruña a few times, you may have come across Ney, a dog so beloved that he even has a statue erected. The animal has been dead for two years already, but it remains alive in the memory of its owner. And also in that of all the neighbors and passers-by who loved him.

Discover the story of Ney, the dog of Plaza de Lugo

Ney was a handsome Golden Retriever who stole the hearts of the people of La Coruña with his generous character and good disposition towards children and adults. It was the dog of Marisol, the owner of a flower shop that recently closed.

The shop was located near the Plaza de Lugo. There you could always see the hairy one, who accompanied his mistress and made customers and passers-by happy.

So much was the affection gained by the animal, that the inhabitants of A Coruña had decided to build a statue for him when he was still alive. A commission was formed and funds were raised.

But, despite the good will, not enough money was raised. And, three months after celebrating his 13th birthday, Ney died, but the statue could not be built.

Ney, a dog immortalized in bronze


Shortly after the furry’s death, a married couple – who asked to remain anonymous – donated the 12,000 euros needed to create the sculpture. The work belongs to the artist Miguel Couto and now immortalizes the animal in the Plaza de Lugo.

So it was that everyone was always able to have Ney, a truly loved dog, present. Even the bronze statue is losing its color, at the height of the head, because no one can stop stroking it, as they did with the beautiful and friendly Golden Retriever.

The money previously raised by the commission was donated to a non-profit organization working in defense of animals.

Remembering Ney

After Ney’s death, Marisol thought she would no longer have dogs. However, a short time later, Coco, a half- breed who had been abandoned by his masters, entered his life.

The woman’s new pet soon earned the affection of the neighbors, who will surely miss her as much as Ney’s, now that the shop has closed for good.

But the memory of the good times remains. For example, when Ney comforted a neighbor who had Alzheimer’s. The family took him every day in his wheelchair and the man smiled when he stroked the dog.

Or the ceremony of photos taken with children and adults, which is now repeated next to his statue. And the pranks of stealing sandwiches from children, even if in recent years the dog had had to follow a more rigorous diet. For this reason, he sometimes had a sign hanging around his neck asking people not to feed him.

A dog’s inheritance

Between anecdotes and good memories, Ney remains alive in the hearts of all those who knew him and who benefited from his friendship. Now they tell its story to anyone who wants to hear it, while taking pictures next to the sculpture.

But Ney’s fame has gone beyond the limits of the square and the city. His image appeared on the international channel of Spanish television. And the contributions for the statue came from the most distant places.

In addition, his Facebook page (Ney, the dog of Plaza de Lugo), has today become a meeting point for those who love animals and take care of them.

Here we leave you some pictures of Ney, a quiet, nice and playful dog. And who was able to earn the affection of all those who had the privilege of knowing him.

Source of the photos: La voz de Galicia

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