Photos Of Dogs And Cats Who Love Winter

Photos of dogs and cats who love winter

Both dogs and cats often have different characteristics. One of these is the passion that some of them have for winter.

Cats are famous for their constant pursuit of warmth, they love to stay near fireplaces and stoves, or even fire. But at the same time there are also cats who love snow, and some who even ski together with their owners.

Go on the snow with cats and dogs

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In general, it is advisable to keep the fur of our animals longer in winter and shorter in summer, both in the case of cats and dogs. In this way we will get natural protection for them.

There are several types of clothing for dogs and cats on the market that can help them maintain their body temperature. This is a very important detail, especially if we intend to take them with us on the snow.

Just as it happens for people, by making our dogs and cats wear suitable clothing that protects them from the cold, we will avoid health problems typical of the winter season, such as colds. We will also avoid any joint disorders, such as in the case of arthritis or other bone diseases.

Tips for bringing cats and dogs to the snow

  • We must be careful that our puppies do not get lost. Although dogs have an excellent sense of smell, it will not be easy for them to use it in the snow. They will not be able to follow a precise track, and it is therefore important to constantly monitor them so as not to lose sight of them.
  • In the unfortunate event that they get lost, it is advisable that the tag on their collar bears the owner’s phone number for quick retrieval.
  • The paws of cats and dogs can be very sensitive to snow. For this problem you can buy paraffin or anti-slip wax protections, but also moisturizers to spread on the pads.
  • They must not eat the snow. To avoid this, always carry plenty of water with you, to prevent them from suffering from thirst.

The return home after a rainy or snowy day

Even if we have protected our dogs or cats well, it is still possible that they suffer from moisture on their skin or fur. This is why it is important to dry their little bodies thoroughly with a towel or a hot air hair dryer, especially if we see that during the winter they shiver from the cold.

If their legs are a bit chapped, it is possible to remedy the problem with the use of restorative products or creams based on aloe vera.

Walking in the cold or in the snow certainly causes a greater consumption of energy than a normal walk. For this, once back home, we will have to recharge our puppies’ batteries with an extra dose of food and fresh water.

If we are on the snow, we must avoid that our dogs and cats enter the area dedicated to skiing and sledding, because they could cause accidents.

The skin during the winter

Leather is the natural protection of animals from the cold and other external agents. It is therefore important to take care of them so that the fur protects them from wind, cold or rain.

We must take care of our puppies through good nutrition, thorough hygiene and daily brushing. With humidity, their fur can become irritated, fall out or knot.

For bath time, it will be necessary to use a shampoo specific to the type of their hair, as well as a nourishing mask to hydrate specific particularly sensitive areas such as tail, paws and muzzle.

In winter it is advisable to bathe at least once a month, whether at home or if you decide to rely on specialized hairdressers for animals, where you will surely meet professionals who are experienced in treating the skin and coat of your four-legged friend.

The hairstyle

pelo del gatto

To make it easier, apply a nourishing hair conditioner to your pets just before brushing them. There are sprays on the market based on essential oils that facilitate brushing and help keep the hair in good condition. In addition to giving it a bright tone, in fact, they create a protective film, preventing it from being exposed to water and dirt.

Dry after bathing

Once you have finished bathing, or if your dog or cat got wet after a rainy day, it is very important to dry it thoroughly, in order to eliminate excess moisture and thus avoid skin diseases such as dermatitis. Use a towel and a hairdryer at a distance and set a medium temperature, moving on the body in a constant and balanced way, in order to avoid burning the skin or fur of your pet.

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