Prevent The Dog From Eating In The Street

Prevent the dog from eating on the street

When we walk our pet, we have to pay attention to every detail because it is likely to eat on the street. The animal does not understand that it can be bad for its health and lets itself be guided by instinct. That is why we, as thinking beings, must do everything possible to change this habit. In this article we explain how to do it.

Why does my dog ​​eat what he finds on the street?

If we live in the city and walk our dog every afternoon, we must be careful not to sniff and eat anything on the street: dirt, other animals’ feces, food in poor condition, waste, poisoned food. on purpose or anything else that might attract our pet. The reasons why the dog behaves this way can be:

1. Get your attention

Dog on a leash and women at the park

Although he knows that he will be reprimanded for such behavior, he will continue to maintain it until he achieves his goal: that you pay attention to him. For example, if you spend all the time looking at the phone or talking to a friend when you take him for a walk, the dog will feel neglected. So try to interact with him and reward him when he does something good.

2. Want to eat

It is true that dogs are hungry 24 hours a day, even when they have just finished eating. However, sometimes, without realizing it, we give them less food than they would need and therefore they look for more in any place. It could also happen that the treats you buy are not of good quality and do not provide the necessary nutrients.

3. Follow your gut

Although dogs have been domesticated by humans for a long time, they still possess that wild instinct that leads them to seek food, defend themselves, and want to pack. As part of their natural behavior, therefore, they will be inclined to pay attention to any food source, both on the street and at home.

4. Curiosity

This occurs especially in puppies who are surprised at anything they see. For example, a colorful bag on the street, an ice cream that a child dropped on the ground in the park, other animal feces, etc. Be careful when walking your dog, as he will want to smell and eat everything.

Tips for your dog not to eat on the street

First you need to know that, although instinct leads them to rummage through garbage or ask for more food even though they have just finished eating, dogs can be trained to behave well on the street and not consume anything that could harm to their health. Some tricks to prevent them from eating during the walk are:

1. Have him eat only what is in the bowl

Dog eating from the bowl

In this way the dog will relate the food to the bowl and will have no interest either in the things that are on the ground or in those closed in a bag. This trick is also excellent for getting used to always eating at home and not outside. Once his meal is over, don’t forget to reward him. 

2. Say NO immediately when eating on the street

When you walk down the street and the dog stops in front of something with the intention of eating it, it will do no good to force it away. It is not even useful to punish him once you get home. A clear NO must be said at the exact moment and place where the wrong behavior occurs. Remember that the process will take time and that you will need to be patient.

3. Divide the food into several portions

It is not good for your dog to only eat once a day in large quantities. Because? Well, many hours will pass until the next meal and, in the meantime, hunger could push him to eat whatever he comes across.

She is also likely to eat very quickly, which could damage her digestive system. Therefore,  the same amount of kibble divided into two daily portions (for example morning and afternoon or noon and evening) will ensure that the dog is calmer and does not become obsessed with food.

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