Shy Cats: How To Help Them?

Shy cats: how to help them?

Does your cat hide under the bed or behind furniture and would not go out into the world at all ? Does he not come near you and does not want to be caressed? You should know that cats can be shy for various reasons.

First of all it must be said that when you are faced with fearful cats, you must arm yourself with patience and try to help them in all ways.

If you have a shy cat, you must respect its limits and its times. You will probably also have to change your body language and try to establish contact with the animal, perhaps through play or food. These are small tricks that usually work: little by little the cat will overcome fear and will begin to relate to the family and the surrounding environment in a completely natural way.

Some Causes of Fear and Shyness in Cats

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Among the causes of shyness and fears we find :


A cat is usually unsociable because it hasn’t had contact with humans since it was a kitten, or because its mother was a feral cat, or because it was separated from the litter too early. The lack of sociality gives rise to shy or shy behaviors that are simply the reflection of fears and unresolved fears.


It may seem strange, but fearful temperaments can also be hereditary, just like with the predisposition to fear of predators.

Trauma or negative experiences

Both a kitten and an adult cat may have been victims of aggression or mistreatment which in turn leads to fearful behavior.

Fearful cats. How to help them overcome fear?

A balanced cat is a cat that dominates its emotions and controls its responses to the various events of daily life. 

Maybe the cat tries to hide when receiving guests. This can happen even with sociable cats and is normal behavior. Another thing is when we are in the presence of an animal unable to relax, which lives perpetually frightened, which runs away, which hides and refuses to cuddle.

Notwithstanding the fact that cats must dictate the times and establish the limits of human contact, we want to give you some suggestions to make sure that little by little your cat gets rid of his fears forever.


The cat takes refuge under the bed or behind a piece of furniture

  • These situations arise especially in the first days of living together, or when one has just moved to a new home. The cat is a habitual and very territorial animal, every change of place is an upheaval and for this reason it tries to take refuge in the safest places for it.
  • To help your cat overcome this emotional state, the first thing to do is respect it. If he doesn’t want to be approached, don’t do it.
  • Remember that walking towards him, looking him straight in the eye, is a threatening attitude for him. If you want to show a friendly attitude, approach him while crouched and avoid staring at him or sideways.
  • You can also repeatedly close your eyelids and look away. Sit next to him, next to or from your back, without trying to touch him at all costs. Your cat must understand that the situation is not dangerous and that you do not pose a threat.
  • Having achieved this first goal, you need to make your cat associate your presence with something pleasant such as food or his favorite toy. If the cat has just entered your family, you can make several attempts to understand his tastes.
  • P robabilmente after eating or playing, the cat will hide again. Don’t be discouraged! You have to insist, if you put these tips into practice, you will gradually gain his trust.
  • Do not lose your patience and do not try to touch or pick him up. It can be counterproductive and you risk ruining any progress you have made.

Let the cat take the first step. He will let you know when it’s time for cuddles and caresses.

  • The cat does not hide, but does not want to be touched.
  • In this case, you don’t have to force it. Use the body language we talked about earlier and if you cross paths in the hallway, retrace your steps and let it pass.

Although sometimes  the intervention of a professional therapist is necessary to help the cat overcome much more serious and profound traumas, generally patience and love are sufficient to help the cat overcome his fears and to offer him a peaceful life in company of his family.

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