The 5 Best Dog Breeds With Wrinkles

The 5 best dog breeds with wrinkles

All dogs, and animals in general, provoke a feeling of tenderness and love in humans . However, there are some breeds that make this emotion even more tender and profound for the very appearance they possess. We are not only talking about puppies, but also about particular dogs, such as those with an apparently wrinkled coat.

More similar to  stuffed animals than to real living beings, you want to hug and cuddle them, caressing their soft and perfect fur. Well, if you are willing to adopt a  dog with wrinkles, in this article we present some of the most famous and beautiful breeds.

The most beautiful dog breeds with wrinkles

Scientists have long tried to answer the question of why there are dogs with wrinkles. Analyzing their skin peculiarities, there is still no real explanation that can justify the usefulness of this skin that seems to cover, in an excessive way, the body surface of some particular types of dog.

shar pei on the lawn

In the case of the Shar Pei, this is due to an inherited disease called focal cutaneous mucinosis . For now, nothing is known about the other races. Scientific reasons are of little interest to animal lovers, especially since, from an aesthetic point of view, these specimens seem to be made to be hugged and caressed. So let’s see the  5 best dog breeds with wrinkles that you can adopt and welcome in your homes:

1. Napolitano Mastiff

It is a breed that belongs to the Molossers  of the large Bulldogs family. Its origin dates back to the year 300 BC. and its ancestor is believed to be the Tibetan Mastiff. The Greeks made it known to the Romans, who improved the animal to be able to use it in the fighting in their famous arenas.

The Neapolitan mastiff is a large, robust animal with an imposing and heavy head. While he looks dangerous, he is a loyal and obedient watchdog  and will do anything to protect and defend his family. Always alert, very loyal, determined, intelligent, majestic and absolutely non-aggressive. It is worth training from an early age and can suffer from hip dysplasia. As for its nutrition, it requires about 1 kg of food every day.

2. English Bulldog

Known simply as the Bulldog, he is another of the wrinkled dogs on our special list. Originally from the United Kingdom, this dog has been used as a fighting dog since the 17th century and is one of the symbols of the British country. With a “pungent” appearance and a square body, this breed has been used to create other breeds such as the Boxer, Bullmastiff and Bull Terrier. It has a flattened snout, is very robust and resistant. It can weigh up to 22 kg (if we are talking about adult males). The tail is usually short and curled.

If you want to adopt an English Bulldog, the only precaution concerns constant hydration and shade: in fact this animal is sensitive to heat stroke. In addition, he suffers from brachycephalic syndrome, which makes breathing difficult. Physical activity is fundamental, since this breed tends to obesity.

3. Pug

Also known as the Pug, it is a breed of Chinese origin but which has become famous in the UK. Small in size and with a molossoid muzzle, the Pug or Pug has a large head compared to the body, straight legs and a curled tail. Compared to the color of the hair, the original colors include silver gray or beige with an entirely black muzzle.

It is an animal that needs to be used to socialization from a young age and also gets along well with large dogs. He is very playful, active but a little wary of strangers. Even if it is not a proper watchdog, it is very effective as a sound alarm … If you want to adopt one, remember to take particular care of the eyes. Being protruding, they can often come into contact with furniture or other objects. Wrinkles can accumulate secretions and moisture that cause infections and bad odor.

4. Bullmastiff

This breed of English origin is the result of crossing a Bulldog and an English Mastiff (from which it inherited the name). The first examples date back to the 19th century and were used to catch runaway thieves using its powerful jaw. He is large, with a square head, dark eyes and a red and tan coat. He is an excellent watchdog, hardly ever barks, active in spirit and perfect for home life. It adapts to any type of space.

Bullmastiff in the enclosure

5. Shar Pei

When we think of dogs with wrinkles, this breed is the first that comes to mind. This animal is of Chinese origin and the first specimens appeared since ancient times (206 BC approximately). It was also the symbol of the Han dynasty. The name Shar Pei means “sand skin” due to its typical color.

It was used as a sacred guardian of the tombs, then it went on to become a defense and fighting dog. Today, after the communist censorship, which considered this animal a symbol of the bourgeoisie and waste, it is back in fashion as an excellent and affectionate pet. He is calm, balanced, independent and very loyal to his master. He plays like cats do, giving small paws, and as a puppy he can be quite lively,

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