The 9 Most Famous Mastiff Dog Breeds

The 9 Most Popular Mastiff Dog Breeds

Belonging to the molossoid family and characterized by a robust and massive physique, the mastiffs have always been excellent guard and shepherd dogs in Europe and Asia. These wondrous animals have lived and helped man since ancient times. We have dedicated this article to the 9 Mastiff dog breeds that you absolutely cannot miss.

Mastiff breeds not to be missed

Among the best breeds of mastiffs, mountain dogs, or cattle herders, we must definitely highlight these nine major major groups:

a St. Bernard mastiff with a litter

1. Kashmir Mastiff

Also called Bakharwal , it is a working dog originating from India, more precisely from the Pir Panjal region, in the Himalayan area belonging to Kashmir. For centuries it was bred by nomadic tribes as a shepherd dog and guardian of peasant settlements. It is related to the Tibetan Mastiff and other Central Asian breeds. He is muscular, strong, with a pronounced head and thick black or bronze colored hair.

2. Italian Mastiff

Also known as the Maremma Shepherd, it is another of the most important mastiffs in the world. As the name suggests, it is native to Italy and for centuries has been used as a shepherd of flocks of sheep against wolves. It is still used in Abruzzo and is similar to the Pyrenean dog: large, woolly, similar to a white bear and with a weight that can exceed 45 kg.

3. Afghan Mastiff

For centuries it has been used to protect the livestock of the Afghan, Turkish and Tibetan tribes. He can be dangerous when he doesn’t know someone, and his powerful build can make any bad guy desist. It has strong jaws and powerful muscles. It is said that one of its qualities is that it can kill a person with relative ease. It has a brindle (or tabby ) coat , a curled tail and is very tall.

4. Pyrenean Mastiff

Another breed of mastiff dogs that originated in Europe, more precisely in the Aragonese Pyrenees. It is a mountain dog and from the very beginning it has been used to defend flocks of sheep from attack by bears, wolves and thieves.

After the Spanish Civil War it almost became  extinct, as it was very expensive to maintain due to its large size. Thanks to the recovery work of the breed in the 70s, today there is a greater number of specimens. The Pyrenean Mastiff is very intelligent, noble and an excellent guardian. Its coat is white with black or brown spots.

5. Neapolitan Mastiff

This breed descends from the Tibetan Mastiff, a very popular dog in ancient Rome, is of the Dogo- type molosser family . He is a very solid dog, heavy, large and endowed with superior strength. It is not aggressive and does not bite without reason. He is very intelligent, noble and determined. Ideal for taking care of a property and the inhabitants of the house. But be careful: if you want to adopt it, know that it must eat at least 1 kg of food per day.

6. Spanish Mastiff

This is another Mastiff dog breed originating from Spain, used as a guard dog in  rural areas. The first specimens were very skilled in grazing cattle. At the end of the civil war there were very few members of this specimen, also called Mastino LeonĂ©s . Then, little by little, they recovered. It is a large, powerful, muscular, intelligent dog with dense and thick fur, a balanced temperament and with an interesting guardian instinct.

7. American Mastiff

One of the few Mastiff breeds native to the United States. This molosser was born from the crossing of an English Mastiff and an Anatolian Sheepdog. Although it is large in size (males reach 90 cm at the withers and weigh 90 kg) it can adapt to apartment living as long as it is allowed adequate physical activity.

8. Tibetan Mastiff

Originally from the famous region of China, it was initially used as a herding dog by the nomadic tribes of the Himalayas. In addition, he is the traditional guardian of Buddhist monasteries. Already known in ancient times, the Tibetan Mastiff had the privilege of being mentioned by Aristotle and Marco Polo. It is one of the oldest breeds in the world.

two Tibetan mastiff puppies on the snow

9. English Mastiff

We close our review dedicated to the best Mastiff dog breeds with a specimen that has been present in the United Kingdom for several centuries. Although these valuable dogs were almost extinct at the end of the Second World War, the importation of numerous specimens to Canada and the United States made it possible to conserve the species. It is a courageous, affectionate, protective, loyal and very jealous animal of its owners.

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