The Dog Who Learned Sign Language

The dog who learned sign language

No one has ever questioned the intelligence of dogs. Yet our four-legged friends never cease to surprise us. Today we tell you the story of Walter, a deaf dog like many others , adopted by a deaf girl. What’s surprising? The fact that they can communicate with sign language. And without any difficulty.

The empathy developed by these lovely animals reaches a higher level. Walter’s love and affection for his mistress was so much to the point that he pushed him to learn sign language. Let’s discover this beautiful story together.

Walter and Giulia meet

Walter is a small dog resulting from the cross between a Chihuahua and a terrier. He was found with 5 other puppies in Pasadena, California, by an animal rights association.

The volunteers immediately sought a new home for the young dog. Giulia’s mother came into contact with them. Discovering that it was a deaf dog, he wanted to go and see it.

Giulia is an only child and, apart from keeping her company, the new playmate is as special as she is. He understands his problem better than anyone else.

When Giulia’s mother saw Walter for the first time, it was immediately love. She herself recognizes it: “ The first time I picked up Giulia, who couldn’t hear me, she sniffed my neck. As I took Walter in my arms, I noticed that he did exactly the same thing. From that moment I knew that this was our little dog, and so it was “.

The love at first sight between Giulia and Walter was immediate. Their spontaneous friendship has become a very strong bond today.

The puppy learns sign language

Walter never separated from his mistress, for any reason. But Giulia needed to be able to communicate with her best friend. He wished he could understand her, without anyone’s help.

Driven by this desire, Giulia worked hard to teach Walter sign language. The result? Now with a few hand movements and a glance the two speak directly. Walter knows how much Giulia is going to feed him or if she wants to wash him.

Whenever Giulia wants to say something to her little dog, she says it to him using sign language. Just like we would. Walter has proven to be a very intelligent and fast learner dog.

It is not known whether Walter’s hearing defect is congenital or caused by some trauma. However, it is difficult to understand a deaf person if you are not familiar with their difficulties. The effort this dog has made is commendable. It tastes like an act of surprising generosity.

A dog tailored for each of us

It is said that there is a lid for each pot. In the case of dogs, the same is true. The way people choose their dog, subconsciously, shows that we recognize something of our own in them. An element of character, personality or even more physical that fosters a strong emotional bond.

The beautiful story of Walter and Giulia proves it. A dog or another animal is not chosen at random. We like a certain breed, for something, a color or a look that makes us prefer one puppy to ten others.

Perhaps in the beginning it is something we give little importance to. However, in the long run, our dog looks more and more like us. Stop and think for a moment. If you were a dog, which one would you be? Yours, of course. If from the beginning there is a connection, with your friend, this bond will grow more and more, leading both to gestures of great generosity. As demonstrated by Giulia and little Walter.

Here is a short video on the history of our Walter. The most famous deaf dog in the world:


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