The Long-haired Pyrenean Shepherd Dog

The long-haired Pyrenean shepherd dog

Despite being small in size, the Pyrenean Shepherd is a very affectionate, likeable and, above all, full of energy dog . If you are considering adopting a pet, well this one will make your children fall in love. His cheerful personality and the desire to play make him the ideal dog for life in the countryside. Let’s get to know it together in this article.

History of the Pyrenean Shepherd

As you can imagine, this breed is native to France and more specifically comes from the mountainous area of the Pyrenees. It is one of the oldest breeds in the transalpine country, and although it is believed to have Asian ancestry, its exact origin is still unknown.

His mental acuity and protective character gave him the role of messenger dog for the French troops during the First World War. The breed began to be appreciated on the market between 1920 and 1925. It was the time when the first farms began to find space, which dealt with promoting and maintaining their original characteristics.

Today, his superior sense of direction and protective instinct make the longhaired Pyrenean Shepherd an excellent guide and watchdog for herds.

Morphology and characteristics

The main distinguishing feature of this breed is its fur, which varies according to its area of ​​origin. We can find two varieties : the long-haired and short-haired Pyrenean shepherd.

His athletic build and small size allow him to reach great speeds and always have a lot of residual energy. We can almost say that he never gets tired. The Pyrenean Shepherd is restless and requires open spaces to run and show off all the vitality that characterizes this magnificent French breed.

In small houses, such as apartments, he is likely to behave nervously. Anxiety and stress also stem from the fact that  he cannot stand loneliness. It is not necessary to have a house in the Alps to be able to make this dog happy, but a garden and green spaces nearby are a  sine qua non for being able to adopt this breed.

His slender figure, particularly suited to running, makes his faculties similar to those of a hunting dog. We can also relate its temperament and appearance to those of the Australian shepherd. They both share the same athletic build and their signature fur. Medium in size, its height will never exceed 48 cm.

Physical activity and care

Every self-respecting dog must move every day. This breed, accustomed to leading herds and protecting them from wild animals, especially wolves, needs constant physical and mental stimulation.

a specimen of shepherd of the Pyrenees during an agility course

Before choosing this dog for your home, think carefully about your habits, since the Pyrenean Shepherd is not suitable for lazy or sedentary people. It will be necessary to dedicate time to him, to have him trained and to have him do activities and sports for very lively dogs, such as agility , throwing the  Frisbee and so on.

The Pyrenean shepherd tends to gain weight if forced to a sedentary lifestyle. It is recommended to let it run freely for at least an hour a day.

Also, a balanced diet that includes all nutrient groups is essential to keep it fit. The rules are therefore two: lots of physical activity and adequate nutrition. Always use quality feed and baby food, since we are talking about a  very energetic breed that will suffer greatly if malnourished or if you offer them poor food and leftovers.

Hygiene habits

As you surely know, any dog ​​can have ticks, parasites and be carriers of many diseases. Especially if you live in a rural setting. For more detailed information on the health of your dog, it is always advisable to ask your veterinarian for help.

To avoid risks, we will provide you with a set of guidelines to keep your longhaired Pyrenean Shepherd always in the best possible way,  preventing any problems:

If you have adopted a dog of this splendid breed and you live in rural areas, we invite you to follow these simple steps to take care of its health and protect the well-being of your four-legged friend:

  • Regular deworming by means of specific pills every month and a half or 2 months.
  • Use of flea collar or other similar dog products.
  • Daily cleaning care. Dogs play, roll on the ground, jump and get wet often. In the case of the Pyrenean Shepherd, his fur can be quite difficult to clean and manage. If we let branches, thorns and mud build up, their fur can become a nest of parasites.
  • Brushing : it must be done regularly. Seasonal shearing is also a good way to avoid problems with your dog’s coat and skin, especially in the summer.

With these tips, the right attention and a little patience your longhaired Pyrenean Sheepdog will live long, happy and healthy.

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