The Most Amazing Lizards Of The Animal Kingdom

Some of these lizards are so popular that, today, they are adopted in many homes as exotic pets.
The most amazing lizards of the animal kingdom

The various types of existing lizards (also called saurians) constitute one of the most numerous suborders among the reptiles known so far. They inhabit all continents, with the logical exception of Antarctica. To get to know these fascinating living beings better, today we will accompany you to discover some truly amazing types of lizards that you absolutely cannot miss.

How many types of lizards are there?

Considering the enormous biodiversity of the animal kingdom, it is difficult to specify the number of members of each family or subgenus. Currently, 5,600 species of lizards are known, grouped into 46 different families. We can find from lizards of a few centimeters, up to the huge and mythical Komodo dragon , which reaches 3 meters in length.

The majority of lizards are native to warm climates, live mainly in tropical and subtropical regions. They can choose their “home” in different environments, from wetlands to grasslands or mountainous regions. And some species are even capable of inhabiting deserts, areas that are absolutely inhospitable to most animals.

In addition, many species have shown remarkable adaptability, using the hibernation (or hibernation) mechanism to survive low temperatures.

The 5 most popular types of lizards in the world

As it would be impossible to describe all 5,600 types of lizards in one article, we have chosen to present you the five most famous “groups”. Some of these lizards are so popular that, today, they are adopted in many homes as exotic pets.

Monster of Gila

This chestnut  – whose photo opens the article – is not called a “monster” by chance. Besides being a highly poisonous animal, as if that weren’t enough, its appearance is also unattractive and somewhat scary. Its body is large and robust, dark brown in color and with lighter spots.

However, this lizard from the United States is a very intelligent animal and usually does not attack for no reason. Logically, preventive measures are indispensable against any wild animal whose degree of toxicity is known. If you see one, take a picture of it from afar.


The Gecko family includes over 1,500 subspecies of lizards, characterized by small size and green color. Some specimens can measure only 3 centimeters in total length, weighing just over 10 grams. The best known variety is the Leopard Gecko (pictured below), which has become very popular in recent years.

Leopard gecko on the rock

Geckos are usually adopted as pets by newbies. That is, from those who have a great passion for lizards, however, they lack the knowledge to be able to adopt a more difficult one to manage. In fact, they are docile and small animals, easy to keep at home and requiring much less care than, for example, iguanas.

Additionally, they are the only types of lizards that have vocal cords, so they can make sounds to communicate. This allows them a higher level of socialization with their owners and also with other animals.


Surely iguanas are among the best known lizards in the world. Their large size and their remarkable beauty make them easily recognizable, compared to other saurians. As you may already know, they are among the largest extant lizard species in the world.

The most famous is the green Iguana, native to Central and South America. It has been widely adopted as a pet in many countries, but is not recommended for beginners. They are large, require a lot of specific care, and can become territorial when adult.

In this family, we also find the only variety of marine lizard known to date. It is the Galapagos marine iguana, an endemic species of the Galapagos Islands, in Ecuador.

Marine iguanas on a rock in the middle of the sea

Marine iguana specimens are large and easy to identify due to the long pointed mane they display on their heads and body. Incredibly, they can dive up to 30 meters deep!

Finally, it is also worth mentioning the Desert Iguana, which lives mainly in the driest areas of the Mojave Desert, about a hundred miles northeast of Los Angeles. They have an important bearing and reach a meter in length, in their adult phase.


Chameleons are, for sure, the funniest and most curious lizards we know. Their ability to change skin color and appearance to blend in and deceive predators is truly amazing.

Chameleon camouflages itself under a leaf

They are also distinguished by their very prominent eyes and their huge and wide retractable tongue. Currently, we can find chameleons in Spain, Hawaii, Asia and California.

Komodo dragon

Certainly, the Komodo dragon is the most imposing of all types of lizards and saurians in existence. Originally from Indonesia, it is often considered one of the most dangerous and aggressive living beings in the world. They are huge and sturdy animals, which can measure more than three meters in length, with a body weight of up to 70 kilos.

Komodo dragon

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