This Video Will Make You Think Before Giving A Pet As A Gift

This video will make you think before giving a pet as a gift

Around Christmas, many parents choose to give their children a pet as a gift. A gesture of love that can turn out to be a bad decision. Children often consider cats and dogs to be mere toys. That is mere objects, which can be abandoned or left aside after a certain time. This is why a video has been launched that will make you think before giving a pet as a gift.

Dogs and cats are not toys, remember this before giving gifts

basket with white and brown puppies

This is the slogan chosen by the Affinity Foundation. The goal is to raise awareness of the responsibilities involved in having a pet. Likewise, raise public awareness on the problem of abandoning cats and dogs.

Many children ask Santa for a dog or a cat every year. Even if adopting an animal, especially if saved from the street, is a noble gesture, the risk is to have it mistaken for an object. A simple toy that can be abandoned for another, newer one, when it is no longer fun or becomes a burden.

The effort and responsibility involved in adopting an animal is often underestimated. They are not toys: they require food, medicine, time, affection and constant attention… Like humans, cats and dogs have emotions, needs and desires.

Better think before giving an animal as a gift

Pets are more than just toys. They are friends who give us affection, accompanying us in our life, constantly. We must treat cats and dogs as they deserve, with love and respect “. These are the words that appear clearly on the Affinity Foundation website. The volunteers of this important association have therefore made a video in which the typical situations of this delicate topic are recreated. A way to put everyone in front of the consequences of hasty decisions and made without reflecting adequately.

Isabel Bull, director of the Foundation, stated in a recent interview that: “ The idea of ​​the project was to tell a true story, in which many people could identify with. We leveraged emotions to make people understand the delicacy of giving a pet for Christmas. Living with a dog or cat requires an awareness that goes far beyond the simple pleasure of having a kind of animated soft toy at home “.

If you want to adopt a pet, first of all you have to make an effort to identify with the situation that will arise. A way to check if you have the financial means, the availability and the time necessary for a compromise with a living being that will last for at least ten years. Better not to tie an animal to the gift era alone: ​​leave impulsiveness aside and analyze this possibility more calmly, in the months following Christmas. So here is the video we talked about, posted on YouTube and that will make you think a lot.

Always keep in mind that a dog or a cat gives much more than just a toy. Never treat them as ‘disposable’ gifts. Let’s all reason with this video for more responsible Christmas holidays!

Giving a pet as a gift: what do you need to know?

cat and Christmas gifts

If, after viewing the video, you have any doubts about choosing to give a pet as a gift, here are a series of elements that will help you make the correct decision:

  • Objective: Why adopt a pet? If your child feels lonely, if he is looking for unconditional affection, if he needs a playmate, with whom to go out or play sports, who will teach him the love for nature and accompany him for 10 years, then this gift certainly has. sense.
  • Attentions: Can you ensure its basic needs, such as nutrition, health and protection? It is a daily effort that also involves hard days and many unexpected expenses. These animals depend on you for everything.
  • Time: How much can you dedicate to your pet? If you work all day away from home it is a bad idea to adopt an animal, as they suffer a lot from loneliness. A dog needs to go outside, at least, twice a day, while puppies require at least an hour of play a day.
  • Responsibility: Will you be able to look after your pet for several years? Let’s not talk about days or weeks, welcoming a dog or a cat into your home means making a pact of friendship forever. Some animals can live up to fifteen years, so think carefully if you will be able to keep this responsibility.

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