Tips To Live Happier With Your Dog

Tips to live happier with your dog

There are many ways to make your puppy happy. Having a healthy dog ​​does not only mean preserving its physical state, but also many other aspects. Among the most important variables that affect our dog’s happiness are attention to his health, hygiene and proper education. For this, today we will share some tips with you to make life with your dog happier.

The health of the puppy is a fundamental issue and is achieved thanks to proper nutrition, visits to the vet, vaccinations and regular and constant physical activity. All of this will help make life with your dog happier.

The power supply


Dogs must eat dog food. However, we are often not sure if it is preferable for them to eat homemade meals or if they can feed on the leftovers from our meals. The answer is always the same: dog food is a complete food, specially developed according to the characteristics of these animals, taking into account the breed, age and physical activity, in order to make their diet the most balanced and complete as possible.

Choosing dog food, as long as you take the one that best suits your pet, is the best way to feed our puppy. To know the right amount of food that our four-legged friend can take and any nutritional supplements, it is always good to take into consideration the recommendations made by the brand that produces the product, or ask our veterinarian for advice.

Hygiene is essential 

When it comes to hygiene, it is not simply meant to ensure that the animal is not dirty, but to take care of its fur, its paws, its mouth and its breath, that it has the right space to be able to make its own needs without staining and allowing us to carry out the right cleaning.

Physical activity

In many cases, dog owners take their pet for a walk just to make him go to the toilet. A mistake that makes life worse with your puppy. The walk must be a fundamental part of the relationship between owner and animal, from day to day, every day; the dog must feel free, satisfied. The walk must serve, in addition to urinating and defecating, to carry out physical activity, allowing him to run freely, jump, play with other dogs, play with his master, etc.

The rewards

One of the things that makes our puppies happier is to please us, their owners. Rewards are the result of a good deed done. These can be of different types: the treats that we know our friend is crazy about, an affectionate praise or a lot of petting on the back. These are all highly valued rewards.

Explore new territories

One of the things that makes our dogs happiest is exploring new places; don’t always go to the same places, don’t take the same routine walk every day. It is important to explore new angles and smells. The positive aspect of allowing our dog to visit parks he has never seen or areas where other dogs are present, does not only concern the visual field, but also the sense of smell, which is basically the most developed sense in these animals. . Make sure you power it up, allowing it to use it often.


It is extremely important that our dog plays and interacts with other dogs. This is how your puppy enjoys the most: sniffing other dogs’ rears, running with them, playing and having fun, ultimately socializing. If you find that your dog is a bit lonely, there are some techniques to make him socialize. You can always enlist the help of a canine trainer.



Dogs go crazy when they play with their owner. They don’t need to be expensive toys. A handcrafted ball or doll will be enough to make him play and spend hours of happy training, allowing him to release energy and be calm and relaxed.

However, it is good to be careful and remove from his reach any object that could constitute a danger for him or that could harm him during his games; it can be hanging cables, cleaning products positioned at the same height, cutlery or sharp items, health medications, DIY tools and many other things, especially if the animal is small and consequently extremely curious and eager to know and bite everything around it.

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