To Adopt Or Not To Adopt

To adopt or not to adopt

The dilemma of adopting or not adopting a puppy is an issue that can arise at different times in life. Sometimes the perplexity is limited to the choice of whether to buy a pet or take it to an animal shelter. Other times, however, the doubt concerns the decision to add a new member to the family. Whatever the case may be, the concept to keep in mind before making the decision is that of accountability.

Why do we want a pet?


The first question to answer is why you want a puppy. To answer you must take into account the fact that having an animal means taking responsibility for it throughout its life. In exchange for companionship, joy and a long list of benefits related to living with a dog, a feline or any other type of animal, you will have to give them the affection and respect that every animal deserves to receive.

For example, a small and perfect purebred puppy will always look good when you show it to your circle of friends, or while you take it for a walk through the exclusive streets of the city. But if this is the reason why you are buying a dog, perhaps it is the case that you forget it, to concentrate on buying a luxury car or a trendy telephone. A puppy, first of all, is a living being that must be loved and cared for, not a trophy to be exhibited.

Also, if you have decided to buy a puppy, you must make sure that the chosen place is serious. Pet shops are often part of a market where animals are neglected or mistreated. And so the dichotomy is created whereby out of a thousand puppies, five hundred are abandoned, crowd shelters or live on the street, while the other half is herded into illegal farms, only to be exhibited in pet shops.

“Adopt or not? That is the question. If the conditions allow it and you do not lack the desire, do not deprive yourself, nor deprive your children, of the joy of sharing your life with a puppy. “

Arguments for choosing whether to adopt a puppy or not

If you have never had a puppy and you are starting to think about the possibility of getting one, but you begin to be assailed by doubts, it is good that you answer a series of questions, before making the final decision:

  • Do you have enough room at home to add a new family member?
  • Are you willing to feed him the right way, take him regularly to the vet, clean him and vaccinate him when needed?
  • Do you have the finances to cover all the expenses involved in being a responsible owner?
  • Do you have time to devote to him to take him for a walk, make him play, bathe him, etc.?

    These questions will also help you decide the type of puppy that best suits you, depending on your budget, time and space.

    Choose a puppy with a head and a heart

     Once you have found an answer to these questions, if you have come to the conclusion that the conditions for adopting a puppy are there, do not delay any longer. The kennels and shelters are full of creatures eager for a second chance, you know. And you also know that abandonment does not distinguish between purebred or mongrel animals, nor between puppies or adults.

    Therefore, by listening to both the heart and the head, you will surely be able to find the ideal companion for you or your children.

    Or why not, you could find it directly on the street. Unfortunately, many animals are forced to live in this condition. If this is the case, approach carefully and, once you are sure that it is not a puppy that has simply been lost, take him to the vet to have him examined and receive the necessary information for his safety.

    Adopt, you will not regret it


    In conclusion, the doubt between adopting a puppy or not must be resolved by giving priority to the responsibility and love that you will be able to give him.

    If conditions permit, do not deprive yourself of the possibility of adding to your life and that of your children the good things that have a pet.

    To do this, however, you must be sure that you can look after and respect it. Your new friend, if he feels loved, will be able to reward you with all the affection he has.

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