What Do Vets Do?

What do vets do?

The veterinary profession is undoubtedly essential for the protection and care of your pets. However, not all dog and cat owners really know what vets do. In this article we will help you to learn more about the various areas of their business.

What Veterinarians Do: Food Safety

Many people do not know that among the things that veterinarians do, there is also the review and analysis of all foods processed for human consumption. That is, products that come into homes or restaurants every day, even those that don’t come from farms, are usually examined by veterinarians.

These professionals check for the presence of bacteria or other pathogens that can be harmful to human health. They even participate in the analysis of drinking water. Thanks to the work done by these professionals, our health is protected at 360 degrees.

Inspection visits

Likewise, all businesses and businesses that produce food or are dedicated to animal husbandry are checked by veterinarians. Among the main tasks, we find the inspection of bars, restaurants, canteens or any place that produces or sells food. This is to ensure that there is no danger and that health and food protection regulations are respected.

The work of these professionals is so crucial that it is usually they who elaborate the different protocols relating to hygiene and food safety that we find in companies and industrial activities. They can even go as far as indicating guidelines for allergen regulations.

a vet visits a battery hen


A large part of veterinarians is dedicated to research, which can cover various fields of application. These are not only studies in food fields, but also involving preventive medicine and innovation. There are veterinarians who participate in the development of drugs, improve food safety, collaborate in the creation of vaccines. Or, perhaps, they carry out tests to fight serious diseases such as cancer, or they develop new therapies.

Animal health is closely related to human health , both as regards the consumption of food and to avoid or prevent any zoonoses. This is why their work is fundamental and serves to complement that of doctors and biologists, in order to cover all aspects of protecting the well-being of the population.

Animal production

But veterinarians must also help farmers improve their production and respect the welfare of their livestock. Thanks to preventive medicine advice and programs, veterinarians are able to improve productive performance.

Obviously, the veterinarian is also responsible for dealing with all the diseases that slaughter animals can suffer, following the progress of the animals throughout the production process, from birth to the processing and packaging of the final product. This often leads vets to walk hundreds of miles every day.

Conservation of species

These professionals also work in wildlife conservation. In addition to collaborating with zoos, parks and reserves, many participate in numerous wildlife research and conservation projects.

Veterinary clinics and hospitals

Having said that, of course, we cannot forget the daily work these doctors do. They are the ones who look after our pets. Vaccines, diets, sterilizations, surgery… If you have dogs, cats, birds, fish or exotic animals, they will always be ready to help you.

two vets with a labrador

As you have seen, it is an indispensable profession for our life. Yet, still today it is one of the worst paid. Too many people still see animals as objects. And, as a consequence, they criticize the prices of those who are dedicated to treating them. Veterinarians do an excellent job, every day, to which they devote all their passion. It is right, therefore, that this value be recognized to them.

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