What Species Are Prohibited As Pets?

We will tell you about the species prohibited as pets. That is, those specimens that should never be kept indoors.
What species are prohibited as pets?

Everyone likes animals but, sometimes, the desire to keep a living being inside the house is more a whim than a true passion for nature. In addition to dogs, cats, fish and small birds, there are a large variety of other animals that are not suitable for life in captivity. Today, therefore, we will tell you about the species prohibited as pets. That is, those specimens that should never be kept indoors.

Not long ago, in a large European city, a boy was bitten by a snake that a friend kept in his apartment.

Once in the hospital, the doctors realized that it was a rattlesnake, which in no way can be kept as a pet.

Every day the media provide us with alarming news about cases like these. They often produce sudden deaths or, in any case, pose a serious risk to people who recklessly decide to bring home forbidden species as pets. That is why it is important to inform people about the risks of such experiences.

Species prohibited as pets

Tigers and lions

Due to the destruction of their  habitat and, above all, for hunting and poaching,  tigers and lions are in danger of extinction. They are carnivorous animals, excellent predators and with a truly indomitable wild spirit. They could attack you or another member of your family at any time.

Furthermore, these animals often belong to developing countries or simply third worlds, which means that they can transmit contagious and even incurable diseases .


Many will be surprised to find the raccoon on this list as well, as until a few years ago it was possible to buy it in some European countries, such as Spain, for example.

However, the fact that it is one of the forbidden species stems from two elements. First of all, it can transmit anger with its bite.

Furthermore, if it escapes or gains freedom, it causes serious damage to our European ecosystem, being one of the most destructive invasive species on the planet.

Raccoon comes out of the garbage can

Many families, not surprisingly, once they have verified that raccoons are not suitable for domestic sight, have decided to abandon them or free them in an absolutely superficial way.

Today the population of this mammal continues to grow at an exponential rate and is leading to the extinction of various types of endemic animals of the Old Continent.

Cercoletto among species prohibited as pets

Also called kinkajou , it is a carnivorous animal from Central and South America. It is a very aggressive mammal and can pose a threat to its owners and those around it. Even if you were willing to pay all the gold in the world, there is no way you could get one as a pet.

Specimen of kinkajou held in the arms

Land turtle

It is also known as “Hermann’s tortoise”. Some simply decide, when they find an animal, to take it home to keep it as a pet.

This is a crime in some cases, as is the case with land turtles.

Turtle walks on the sand

Amphibians and reptiles among species prohibited as pets

Those who love snakes, lizards and toads, or other members of these species, need to keep in mind that there is a long list of prohibited species.

You can find this official list directly on the website of the Ministry of the Environment and Land and Sea Protection.

Not only will you avoid high fines but you will be able to help report all those animals that are kept in homes, in a completely illegal way. With serious risks for the species but also for the people themselves.


Remember that in addition to infractions for committing a crime, there is a danger that the animal could injure a family member or an acquaintance. Without forgetting the possible harmful consequences for the local ecosystem.

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