Which Pets Are In Fashion?

Pets that are in fashion are really curious and interesting.
Which pets are in fashion?

In many ways, it seems that the cat and dog epic is bound to end. Today, more and more people are choosing to keep exotic and unusual pets indoors. In addition to tropical birds, iguanas and ferrets, we are moving towards truly peculiar species. So what are the pets that are in fashion ? To find out, you will simply have to read this article.

Obviously, cats and dogs continue to be the most common and “favorite” pets, with all the responsibilities that this entails. Choosing less common species inevitably leads to a whole host of additional efforts. In fact, more resources are needed to ensure proper nutrition, an  adequate habitat  and veterinary care corresponding to specimens of which very little is often known.

Nonetheless, their character, their ability to learn, their intelligence or other elements are what have made them popular, turning them into fashionable pets .

4 most fashionable pets

Sugar glider

If we were to recommend any of the exotic pets, the keeping of which is absolutely legal, surely the choice would fall on this little marsupial. We say it for its affable, funny, sociable character and because it is an animal that loves cuddling and playing. You think he is even capable of barking like a dog. Really amazing!

As you can see in the photo above, the sugar glider has a triangular head, large eyes and the size of a squirrel. His diet is based on fruits and vegetables, but if you give him some ham or some sausage, we are sure he will not leave a bite.

Vietnamese piglet

George Clooney owns one too! Surely, also for this reason, in Italy and beyond, the fashion of the Vietnamese pig has exploded. In fact, this animal, almost unknown until recently, is very docile, intelligent and easy to train. As well as being very affectionate and dependent.

Gray Vietnamese piglet on the pasture

Basically, it is almost like having a somewhat particular dog … What characterizes the Vietnamese pig is its great insight  and, even if you cannot speak to it, this animal will always know your mood. But be careful not to reproach him with excessive vehemence: they are very fearful living beings.

If you are looking for a pet that gives you love and is great company, a Vietnamese pig is sure to be for you. Of course, it is better that you have a garden available, it will benefit his health.


In Italy it is not allowed to keep the European hedgehog at home. However  , there is the smaller African variety that can be purchased without any problems. This small mammal, belonging to the family of the  erinaceids , certainly has a very nice aspect, but the commitment to keep it and raise it at home is not indifferent.

Hedgehog closed in a ball in the hand of a boy

Also as regards the character, it must be said that these animals can show aggressive behaviors. So, if you want to buy one, you need to consider several precautions. Especially if you have small children in the house. Be well informed about the food and  habitat needs of the African hedgehog, educate your children well and always monitor the state of the animal. For any doubts, it is best to consult a specialized veterinarian.


In Italy it is allowed to own a fennec, a small fox that lives in deserts but which, more and more often, is adopted as a pet. As for his personality, we could say that the  desert fox is halfway between dog and cat, affectionate but also independent.

Fennec puppy lying on a table

He is very sociable and, in fact, does not usually have problems with other pets. Perhaps this is why many choose it for their homes. His biggest pastime is digging, so if you have any plants in your garden that you care about, better protect them in some way. The fennec is the smallest canid in the world, has nocturnal habits and is intelligent and curious. It hunts insects, lizards, birds, reptiles and small rodents, but sometimes also feeds on berries and leaves.

As you have seen, pets that are in fashion are really curious and interesting. Of course, their choice depends on an infinity of elements. Like your pace of life, the size and type of your home, as well as what you are looking for in a pet.

As always, we advise you to adopt abandoned dogs and cats waiting for a second chance: there are many and all ready to give you unconditional love. Exotic animals are best left in their  natural habitat . But, if you really want, then the living beings that we have presented to you can certainly be a valid alternative.

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