Why Do Dogs Run Away?

Why do dogs run away?

Sometimes our dog starts running like crazy: we even think that he wants to run away because he is not happy with us, and this makes us feel bad. We believe that perhaps we are not treating him well or that there is something we are doing wrong, and for this he runs away. That’s it? Why do dogs run away?

Don’t worry, your dog doesn’t want to leave, and you aren’t doing anything wrong. There are several reasons why a dog starts running like a madman, seeming to want to run away from us.

The causes of why dogs run away



A firecracker, an ambulance siren or thunder can cause your dog to start running. If you have observed your dog in such situations, and he reacts this way when he is at home, rest assured that his reaction will be the same even when he is on the street. The fact is that there are fears that dogs cannot overcome, and these very often lead them to flee.

Bitches in heat

Here are the two sides of the coin. First of all, if your dog is in heat, two things can happen:

  • The first is that she wants to be with a dog and goes crazy after everyone;
  • The second is that the dogs launch themselves on her and that she wants to escape.

And then there are the males: if male dogs smell a bitch in heat, they will look for her like crazy. It doesn’t matter if you don’t see a dog around, which makes you think that’s why your dog runs away. Bitches in heat release a special odor, which the sensitive sense of smell of males is able to detect even at a considerable distance.

Poor education

If you have not educated your dog well from a puppy and have not imposed hierarchical principles, it will be very difficult for him to obey your orders. Rude dogs will do what they want and start running if that’s what they like to do;  the worst part is that they won’t listen to you when you call them. This is another reason dogs run away.

Dangers and remedies for dogs not to run away

If your dog runs away while you are with him on the street, he exposes himself to various dangers:

  • If he’s a little aggressive, he can bite someone;
  • They could run it over;
  • He can get into a fight with other dogs;
  • He can injure himself with an obstacle or anything else in bad shape that he finds in his path.

To avoid such dangers,  you will need to follow a series of important tips :

white fox on a leash

  • Under no circumstances should your dog be taken for a walk without a leash. If your dog is one that leads you to constantly wonder why dogs run away, do not take him out without a leash: you will avoid unpleasant situations and protect your pet.
  • If your dog is in heat, avoid taking her to places where there are other dogs ; If, on the other hand, your dog always runs away when he hears a female in heat, it would be a good idea to neuter him.
  • There are various techniques to eliminate fears of loud noises in dogs:  try them, so that your pet can feel comfortable on the street and stop running away.
  • Educate your dog from an early age. Maintain a balance by showing him that you are his friend, but also his master; that although you love him, you are in charge. If you encourage him to respect you, he will obey you when you call him, even though he has run away.
  • Don’t run after your dog when he runs away. This will only make him run more. Stop where you are and talk to him firmly (don’t yell at him, you will make him nervous), let him understand that your order is to return to his place.
  • Use positive reinforcement to correct  your dog’s bad habits, in this case running away

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