Why Do Shar Pei Have So Many Wrinkles?

Why do Shar pei have so many wrinkles?

There are few people who do not like this particular breed: the Shar pei. His plush face and wrinkles give him a special look, which delights anyone who comes across him. Today let’s talk about this dog’s wrinkles. What caused this breed to be so wrinkled?

Knowing the reason for this breed’s wrinkles can also help us improve the hygiene of its skin and, consequently, its health. First of all, though, let’s get to know these adorable animals a little better.

We know the Shar pei better

shar pe puppies

The shar pei are native to China and appear to have existed since 206 BC  Initially they were used as grave guard dogs and later as fighting dogs and then moved on to the role of pets.

In the 1960s, the communist regime that ruled in China opposed these pets, claiming that they represented a useless expense in food and money; for this reason, this precious race was on the verge of disappearing. Fortunately they did not succeed! They would have deprived us of enjoying unrivaled beauty.

His character

The Shar pei is a quiet, peaceful and friendly dog. It doesn’t bark a lot, so if you live in an apartment building with sensitive neighbors, it won’t bother you.

It is a very independent dog that only wants one owner. The other family members, therefore, cannot expect him to love everyone equally. It is no coincidence that they call it the canine cat, since its character is more similar to that of a cat than that of a dog.

Even in his way of playing he looks like a feline: he tries to grab objects with grenades, will he think he is a tiger?

His independent character makes him indifferent to strangers  and he is also a bit stubborn when it comes to obeying and carrying out orders. It is for this reason that he must be taught to socialize from an early age and he will have to receive special training in which physical punishment is not contemplated.

The cause of wrinkles in Shar pei

According to the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​the reason for wrinkles in Shar pei is a hereditary disease called mucinosis, which generates an excessive accumulation of hyaluronic acid that creates the typical wrinkles of this breed.

Hyaluronic acid is responsible for filling the spaces between the cells of a tissue. Excessive production of the hyaluronic acid enzyme thickens the skin of the Shar pei and creates these beautiful wrinkles that make it adorable.

However, Shar pei wrinkles are not only peculiar and beautiful, but unfortunately they also cause some problems.

Problems caused by Shar pei wrinkles

Shar Pei adult

We must not forget that these wrinkles are the result of a disease which, even if it does not cause the death of the animal, can give rise to some complications for which we must be prepared.

Mucinosis can cause the following problems:

  • temperature 
  • Infections
  • Allergy

Shar pei do not need special care. However, when washing them, it is necessary to focus very well on the folds of the skin, so that dirt does not accumulate and can cause infections.

Allergies must be recognized and treated effectively so that the animal does not suffer. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the causes of allergies and keep it away from them. Shar pei are prone to suffer from these ailments, so it is essential to constantly monitor them.

If you are thinking of adopting a Shar pei, do not doubt: it  is a beautiful and affectionate dog, who will show you that he is a faithful friend at any time.

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